Interview with Mojo Mail author - November 2002
(my blog post from Friday, November 22, 2002)
An interesting discussion with a young, bright artist and programmer.
"I'm a curious person and activities such as painting and programming aren't too too different. Both need you to have a amazing imagination and force you to think in complex, abstract terms; both require a broad skill set and you need to apply those skills both in a theoretical and concrete way.""The positive energy of this even today is enough for me to work on Mojo Mail part time and the program is beginning to support myself through school. I haven't worked at a job job since early September and this is in no small part to Mojo Mail.
I've gotten jobs because of having Mojo Mail out and about for anyone to use. It did take a while for this to happen, but it's happening and I'm going to do my best to keep this going. To do this, I'm going to focus on making Mojo Mail the best it can be and being a major part of its community."
July 2014 updates:
Dada Mail is a web-based electronic mailing list management system that can be used for announcement lists. It can also be used to create and manage discussion lists, if you activate and configure an included plug-in called Dada Bridge, for which you will need to set a cron task.Dada Mail is written in Perl.
Dada Mail handles Closed-Loop Opt-in subscriptions and Close-Loop Opt-out unsubscriptions, sending complex announce-only and/or discussion mailing list messages, archiving/viewing/searching/resending/syndicating (rss, atom) sent messages.
Dada Mail was initially written in December 1999 and released as version 1.0 in January 2000, between Justin's first and second semester at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Its original name was Mojo Mail, a name that came to Justin after having a dream about making a successor to the Majordomo program, after struggling with that program's email-based interface for a non-profit client.
The name of this specific program was changed on December 1, 2003, after Justin Simoni received a letter from a lawyer representing Mediaplex Inc. that the name was in violation of their trademark. The name was changed to, Dada Mail. Dada is a direct reference to the early 20th century cultural movement. Justin considers Dada Mail a conceptual work of art.
- Original author(s) Justin Simoni
- Stable release 7.0.5 / June 18, 2014
#art - #programming - #email - #perl
From JR's : articles
408 words - 2598 chars
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