Aug 2015 bird obs

Aug 21
3 AMRO - (1 on our front yard)

Aug 22
CAWR sang in our backyard

Aug 23
1 AMRO our front yard

Aug 24 and aug 25 early morning EAWP sang partial song near woodmont and grantwood. it sang the "pee-eww" part only.

Heard BAOR still on fri, aug 21 and mon, aug 24.

Aug 26
while walking barney this morning, i heard the EAWP north of us sing late summer song "turr-EEE." bird located along Elsie between Garrison and Bowen. This bird has been around all summer. I don't remember if I heard this bird at this location in May.

At least two local EAWP:

  • Ivy Pl and Woodmont, first heard in May
  • Elsie-Bowen-Garrison
  • and maybe a third EAWP that roved around along Woodmont and at times around our home.

I'm guessing that I won't hear the EAWP much longer. It's nice that they still sound some in late August.

A few NOCA are still singing as of Aug 26.

I have not seen an ARMO since Sun, Aug 23.

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