Programmer Anarchy
Excerpts from the first link:
WHAT IS this Programmer Anarchy? For those of you who don’t have their ear pinned to the techie ground, Programmer Anarchy is a concept that has been around for about the last year, is considered “post-Agile”, has so far been evangelised by Fred George and says that software development is more productive when programmers are “self organised”.
So Programmer Anarchy is ...
- At the start of the day the programmers choose their own work during daily stand-up meetings
- There are no PMs, Iteration Managers, BAs, QAs / testers or “managers of programmers” – all the normal rules of managing software development in a professional environment are gone. This is on the basis that formality and rules are constraining to creativity and productivity
- It runs on the concept that with no managers to give power to their programmers to go ahead and develop (managers “empowering” their teams), programmers go ahead and take total responsibility for the success of each project in a form of self-organised “anarchy”
- Integral to this is the adoption of the mindset “what if you were guaranteed not to fail” and the idea that disagreement and failure is expected, and both are ultimately productive outcomes. They want programmers to lose the “fear of failure”
- Programmers work directly with the customer, which builds more trust and understanding about how the SDLC is affecting delivery
- And to top it off Programmer Anarchy is still Agile Manifesto compliant:
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
For more detail here is link to a presentation Fred George gave, and a link to the slides.
#programming - #gtd - #blog_jr
- 290 words
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