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My blog post from September 11, 2001 - Terrorism hits NYC and Washington; America Rocked; 911

In August 2001, I installed a blogging tool called Greymatter on a free Web hosting site called Hypermart. This became my personal blogging setup. When Toledo Talk began in January 2003, I stopped using my personal blog site. In 2003 or 2004, the free hosting site announced they would no longer be free, so I downloaded and saved my blog postings. The blog post below is unedited, so it may contain numerous spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

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09/11/2001 "Terrorism hits NYC and Washington; America Rocked; 911"

I think we always knew it was possible, but the question was when would it happen to us in America on a grand scale - terrorism?

The failed bombing of the World Trade Center in 93 or 94 and the successful bombing of the government building in Oklahoma City in 95, showed that we in America were not immune to mass destruction from terrorist attacks.

It's 10:30 A.M., September 11, 2001. I'm currently still at home and not at work. This is one of those moments in history or our lifetimes where you will remember where you were when you heard the news of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington.

I was in the kitchen, preparing some carrots to be juiced for by Juiceman juicer. The carrot juice was for me to take to work. I was listening to ESPN Radio, 1470 WLQR in Toledo, and the Mike and Mike morning show. Shortly after 9:00 A.M., after their top-of-the-hour commerical brake, Mike Greenberg made the somber announcement about watching the news on the first plane attack on one of the WTC buildings and then seeing, live, the second attack on the other building.

My first reaction while slicing a carrot was "What? Is he joking? That's a weird funny to be making." So I rushed into the family room, phrantically looking for the remote control, and stopped the TV on the first news station I came across and what an incredible, unbelievable site - symbols of the greatest city on earth, spewing thick, black smoke from two huge holes.

At 8:45 to 8:50 A.M., a large commercial plane slammed into the WTC building that contains the big needle. The impact was near the top of the building. The second attack, caught on film, hit the other building around 9:02 A.M. and its impact was lower, closer to the middle of the building.

The film of the second plane was dramatic. You could see the medium sized commercial jet come into view and smash into the building causing a big ball of flame to surround the building. Debris could be seen flowing out the building as well.

So for the next 30 or 40 minutes I watched ABC TV news and listened to WWJ 950 from Detroit, a CBS news station as reporters gave their take on what was happening.

Then news came about a fire in the Pentagon. A plane had hit that building. Soon, the FFA had closed all airports in the country. Major buildings and structures were evacuated throughout the U.S.

I don't remember the timelines exactly, but even more unthinkable new occurred. The WTC building hit second, collapsed. It's gone! The building collapsed demolitions style. Was it rigged to blow-up by terrorists?

One theory was the structure was so weak from the plane exploding into it that the weight of the building above the impact fell onto itself and bringing the whole building down.

While typing this blog entry, the other WTC building, within the last 10-15 minutes has also collapsed. Unbelievable. I have had goosebumps and been a bit teary since hearing about the Pentagon attack and now this. I don't think going to work will be an option, at least not for a while. My carrots remain partially cut-up on the counter. I've not been back in the kitchen since I rushed into the living room to turn on the TV.

I was at the top of the World Trace Center at night in late October of 1997. Myself and a co-worker were visiting a software company that produced an application for us. After the first day, one of the programmers took us to the viewing platform which would have been the building hit first and collapsed second, I believe. From the viewing deck, I remember looking at the two big needles on the other building.

We had an excellent night for viewing the city. It was an awesome view. It was clear, dry fall evening. I was in NYC last December with my Mom. After visiting the Statue of Liberty, we walked to the WTC to go to the top as I wanted my Mom to see the view and I wanted to see what it was like to be there during the day. It was another clear and dry atmosphere - great for viewing. The line was too long, however, and we were short on time, so we headed back to midtown and said "another day". Well, that day will no happen now.

Peter Jennings said America has not been attacked like this since Pearl Harbor. Could be true. This is, without a doubt, the greatest and most horrific event that has occured to the U.S. in my adult lifetime - I'm 37.

There's word now that another commerical jet has crashed near Pittsburgh. Our comfortable world in America has been shattered. It will be day we will never forget. I also just heard there is still one plane, somewhere, unaccounted for - another hijacked jet?

It's now about 11:10 A.M. I stil have goosbumps and tears as I write, listen, and watch the events of 9-11-01. Why today? Is there something significant about today's date? 9-11, 911, our emergency number?

I just talked with my wife who is at work - we both work at the same company - and as I expected, she along with many others were in the cafeteria watching on TV. I remember watching the O.J. Simpson verdict in our cafeteria and the shuttle mission with John Glenn. But nothing, nothing in our lives compares to this.

This is more devastating than I could have imagined when I first turned on the TV and saw the huge smoke plumes coming from the, then still standing, World Trade Center buldings.

Lots of footage coming now from lower Manhattan. People are covered in dust and dirt. The collapsing of the buildings, no doubt, took even more lives as many rescue workers rushed to the site to get and help those in the buildings. Obviously, no one ever thought that the building would collapse on themselves.

They just showed the replay again of the collapse of both buildings. It's still unbelievable even now. Two of the greatest symbols of one of the greatest cities in the world has been forever changed.

Targeting the WTC buildings makes sense. NYC is the economic center of the world and those buildings are its two of its greatest landmarks. So many pictures or video shots of NYC include the "Twin Towers". Striking the Pentagon seems reasonable since a lot of U.S. government decisions are made behind the walls of that unique building.

In addition to all airports being closed, all national parks have been closed, buildings in major cities evacuated, and I'm sure most of the downtown area of large cities are emptied. Why Pittsburgh if indeed there was a plane explosion near that city. Little info is coming in abou that attack. I'm quite certain it was not in the city.

My cat Beanie, near by where I'm typing on the computer, is asleep on a small table next to the window with the sun shining on him. His dark-colored fur no doubt, asborbing the morning's warmth. He looks relaxed, calm, oblivious to the world outside.

Looking at Beanie, I see a creature that is soft and friendly with not an ounce of meaness in him. He doesn't care what I look like or how much money I make. He loves me unconditionally. In some ways, my cat is more advanced than a lot of the humans on this planet.

It seems now that damage to the Pentagon is more severe than initially reported. Part of that building has collapsed.

Break time. I think I will make my carrot juice and try to relax a little, but my hands are shaking so I doubt it will help.

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Blog post from September 11, 2001 - Emotions high after horrific event

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09/11/2001 "Emotions high after horrific event"

America is shutting down for the day. The news is reporting the President is taking refuge in an underground bunker in a mountain in West Virginia. All Major League Baseball games for tonight have been cancelled. All airports are closed. National parks and other tourist atractions (Space Needle, Disney, etc) are closed. Many are saying this is worse than Pearl Harbor.

The weather in Toledo is sunny with comfortable temperatures and a light breeze - a perfect day. It would be on another day. The events of this morning go beyond the areas attacked. This is an American tragedy.

Amazing photo on CNN. It reminds me of the movie Indepence Day. The photo on CNN shows people in the strees of lower Manhattan running away from a big cloud of white dust and smoke surrounding the buildings and flowing down the street.

It's an ubelievble event. I'm still getting teary-eyed and have goosebumps on my arms from each story I hear or see on TV and radio.

The CNN web site has been altered to be a simple page with one phote and some headlines. The site is obviously receiving heavy traffic.

I think my workplace is closing down for the day and it should.

What will happen next from all of this? What kind of impact will this have on us emotionally and what does this do to the econmic world?

Although no one has taken credit for the destruction, Bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire and Islamic militant known for worldwide terrorist attacks, is getting the blame. Some believe he is the only that has the resources to put together such an attack.

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Blog post from September 11, 2001 - Timeline of today's events

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09/11/2001 "Timeline of today's events"

A user at Slashdot posted this link that contains a nice timeline of what's happened thus far:

911's Events [link no longer works]

All of the I-told-you-so, gloom and doom people are crawling out from under their respective rocks.

I think we always felt we were vulnerable and knew something like this would happen, but what can we do to protect our country 100%? I don't think anything can be done. This is indeed a wake-up call for America and we will definitely learn from this and be stronger for it.

Now is not the time to criticize and point fingers like so many of these pinheads are doing. The rescue operation is far from over. Let that be completed and the cleanup begun before the finger pointing begins.

Once the children are done fighting, then analysis of the attack can begin and a plan to secure the U.S. citizens will be created. It will take a lot of time.

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#blogging - #news - #history

From JR's : articles
1912 words - 10693 chars - 10 min read
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source - versions

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