3 min

Push ups or Pushups or Push-ups plus Ab workout

Although [pushups] only mildly stimulate the biceps muscles, they are excellent for conditioning and strengthening the shoulders, chest, back, upper arms, stomach, neck, wrists, and hands.

his book

pushup = "p". hands in the Air = "a". set = "."
1p + 1a.
2p + 2a.
3p + 3a.
4p + 4a.
5p + 5a.
6p + 6a.
7p + 7a.
8p + 8a.
9p + 9a.
10p + 10a.
9p + 9a.
8p + 8a.
7p + 7a.
6p + 6a.
5p + 5a.
4p + 4a.
3p + 3a.
2p + 2a.
1p + 1a.

total pushups: 100.

Do it 3x a day (breakfast lunch and dinner). Mark it down on your whiteboard or whatever to track how true you're being to process.

If you get too tired to make it to 10 (which you will your first few times, until your muscles get use to it), then substitute the pushups for hands in the air. Whatever you do, do not stop moving until you reach 10. Once you descend, you must also not stop moving.

This trains your muscles, and makes it very easy to do pushups, so much so that I started to do them in more challenging ways by the end of it.



Sit-ups - you are definitely going to be doing a lot of these in basic training, so let me show you how to great a great sit-up routine for you. All right first of all what I am going to want you to do is get down on the ground in the sit-up position. In order to do sit-ups it is best to have someone holding your feet. Now this is a typical sit-up from start to finish. Your fingers are interlocked behind your head. That's one complete sit-up. Now this is the routine I want you to do. I want you to go halfway up and halfway down until exhaustion. Now what that does is that builds a certain part of your muscles in your stomach. Then, once you have reached exhaustion, wait a few minutes, and then do the upper half crunches. Do that until exhaustion, ans that's one set. So you've got lower half and then upper half. You want to do that three times. Okay so that's how to do a sit-up and that's a great sit-up routine. Now abs are a little different because you can work them every day. It doesn't require as much muscle recovery time as your other muscle groups. So if you feel like you can do it again the very next day, you are not sore, don't work out when you're sore, if you're not sore with your ab muscles go ahead and do that whole routine again. Next week you might want to up it to four sets, and who knows, if you want even add a small weight or a rock or something safe to your chest, maybe about five or ten pounds, and do some sit-ups that way as well. What you are doing is you are replicating the exact movement that you are going to be doing at basic training, so that also helps with muscle memory retention.


Basic Training Exercises | Boot Camp

#health #exercise

From JR's : articles
605 words - 3608 chars - 3 min read
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