3 min

Lost Arts Festival

#ohio #history #event

found at http://wheresthecat.com/

from what i can tell, the above website does not provide permalinks to each event listing. weird.

& Rifle Frolic at Seven Eagles Historical Education Center
May 21-22, 2016
The 32nd annual Lost Arts Festival will bring to life but a few brief moments in the history of early Ohio. From 150 to 200 years ago European settlers attempted to make a home in the wilderness that has come to be known as the Maumee River Valley. It was during these times that the settlers became adept at using their surroundings to survive, or perished in spite of them. It was also a time for the settlers to learn about their new neighbors, the Native Americans of Northwest Ohio. Through the efforts of many re-enactors and living historians, these years of early Ohio will come to life not far from the banks of Grand Rapids at Seven Eagles Historical Education Center, Grand Rapids, Ohio, on May 21 and 22, 2016.
Historical buffs and interested public are invited to a weekend of sights, sounds and aromas of the 18th century. Traditional artisans, crafts, music, entertainment, food and beverages, camp life, and much more will be on hand Saturday May 21 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m and Sunday May 22, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Among the demonstrations planned are candle dipping, campfire cooking, blacksmithing, net making, primitive fishing, basketry, leather work, scrimshaw, moccasin-making, starting fires using flint and steel, soap making, flint knapping, hand sewing, salt-making … and many other lost arts to be found. Visitors can also try their hand at throwing a tomahawk or partake in a black powder shooting competition. Entertainment will be provided by period musicians that are well known for bringing quality music to many festivals and events.
Seven Eagles is located just one mile from the Maumee River at 16486 Wapakoneta Road, midway between US Rt 6 and OH Rt 65. Admission for the general public is $10 per carload or $5 per adult and $2.50 per child age six and up. Admission for period correct reenacting campers and blanket traders is $15.00; children ages 12 and under free. For campers interested to spend a weekend “lost in history”, Seven Eagles also offers a primitive camping experience where you can take a step back in time to try your hand at some of the day-to-day skills needed to survive prior to 1840. Information and reenactor camp reservations are available at: www.seven-eagles.com.
The 2016 Annual Lost Arts Festival celebrates the history and pageantry of 1600-1840 featuring historic craft demonstrations, music, arts, and the history of early Ohio and frontier of the Maumee River Valley. Considered one of the” best kept secrets” of Northwest Ohio, the Lost Arts Festival is truly a unique festival for this region. Historical interpreters in authentic camps and vintage ‘garb’ greet visitors who can tour a wide array of dwellings (all handicapped accessible): a Woodland Indian Longhouse & Village, Western Plains tipis, French Trappers Sod Hut (a dwelling built into a mound of earth), a Pioneer Log House, Scottish Tavern(non-alcoholic), an 18th Century Trading Post, a working Blacksmith’s Shop, and other period encampments (please visit www.facebook.com/SevenEaglesHistoricalEducationCenter for pictures. Traditional artisans demonstrate daily camp life and skills used to live on the frontier. The Festival is also well known for its more primitive nature and layout: all crafters, artisans, traders and interpreters are out-of-doors on the 40-acre facility, which is comprised of woods, meadows and a 2-acre Cricket Frog pond. With the exception of cars in the parking area, there is very little to remind any visitor that they aren’t really” back in time”.
Seven Eagles Historical Education Center is owned and operated by the Arts Council Lake Erie West, a regional non-profit community arts agency providing arts, historical and educational programs and services for artists and the public since 1983. Dedicated to presenting and preserving the early history of the Maumee Valley, The Lost Arts Festival is held annually to help raise funds for the continuing operation of the Center. Each year the Center provides programs and tours for many elementary and secondary schools in Northwest Ohio, as well as Cub Scouts, Boy and Girl Scouts. Please join us in celebrating the history of our corner of the world.

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