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Alleged mobile usage stats from a spam e-mail

The e-mailer promoted mobile app development, claiming:

Did you know, there will be 21 Billion Apps to be downloaded in 2013 as compared to 5 million Apps downloaded in 2010!!!

Why are Businesses Creating Mobile Apps?

  1. The volume of Mobile Phones is much higher than Pcs.
  2. The average time spent on Mobile Apps is 64%.
  3. On an Average, people check their mobile every 6 minutes.
  4. People use mobile Apps 6 times more than the websites.
  5. 79% smart-phones users use their mobile to make purchasing decisions.
  6. 50% users make purchase on Mobile within 1 hour as compared to 1 month on a desktop.
  7. 73% of Business Owners use Mobile Apps daily.
  8. Business owners also use Mobile Apps for Customer Engagement.

Why are Small Business Owners Eager to Invest in Mobile Apps?

  1. 38% Business Owners want to keep their Existing users Engaged.
  2. 36% wants to attract more local Customers.
  3. 34% wants to gain Competitive advantage.

Some of the info may have originated from this December 2012 post.

I think the point of the e-mail was: "Mobile is big, and it's getting bigger."

Ya think? I suppose some executive in the newspaper industry, however, would like to take a "wait-and-see" approach to this mobile fad.

#mobile - #apps - #business - #blog_jr

By JR - 209 words
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