2013 mayoral election results in Toledo and Perrysburg
(from my ToledoTalk.com post)
Both cities held mayoral elections in November 2013.
Summary: most residents don't give a damn.
Elections results - vote count:
Mike Bell 21,536
D. Michael Collins 28,002
49,538 votes cast.
Wikipedia: Toledo demographics
- 2010 census population: 287,128.
- 24% of residents were under the age of 18 = 68,911 residents.
- 218,217 residents were of voting age.
- 2012 population estimate: 284,012 (loss of 1.09%).
- -1.09% * 218,217 = -2379
- Estimated number of 2012 voting age residents: 215,838.
- 49,538 votes cast / 215,838 = approx 23% of Toledo adults expressed an opinion on who should be mayor.
Elections results - vote count:
Laura M. Hummer 1,931
Michael J. Omstead 2,822
4,753 votes cast.
Wikipedia: Perrysburg demographics
- 2010 census population: 20,623.
- 26.5% of residents were under the age of 18 = 5,465 residents.
- 15,158 residents were of voting age.
- 2012 population estimate: 21,161 (gain of 2.61%).
- 2.61% * 15,158 = 396.
- Estimated number of 2012 voting age residents: 15,554.
- 4,753 votes cast / 15,554 = approx 31% of Perrysburg adults expressed an opinion on who should be mayor.
Final look at the numbers for two November 2013 mayoral elections:
- approx 23% of Toledo adults voted for mayor.
- approx 31% of Perrysburg adults voted for mayor.
Amazing lack of interest.
2013 compared to 1993
In the November 1993 Toledo mayoral election, Carty Finkbeiner defeated Mike Ferner by 672 votes. In that election, 92,470 votes were cast.
In the November 2013 Toledo mayoral election, 49,538 votes were cast.
Toledo's population in 1990 was 332,943.
Toledo's population in 2010 was 287,208.
Obviously, the declining population explains much of the drop, but relatively speaking, the vote count in 2013 seems significantly lower than in 1993.
Does a declining population lead to declining interest? I doubt it. Perrysburg showed little interest in their mayoral election yesterday.
Maybe today, people are too busy and have too many other interests to care about local politics. It's simply not a concern anymore for most people.
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