Tt post nov 19 2015 d
Nov 19, 2015 - Toledo Blade - Council reacts to Hicks-Hudson's proposed budget
Under the mayor's proposal, the city’s general fund will be balanced next year by a razor-thin margin by nearly doubling what Toledoans pay monthly for trash collection, pushing back the hiring of new police officers and firefighters, and taking more than $10 million out of the fund used for street repaving.
Increase the illegal tax and keep many of our streets in disrepair.
Sounds like great governance to me. It's called Detroitification.
What else are these geniuses up to?
[Council's] largest concern was something Council Finance Chairman Larry Sykes called “phantom revenue” proposed by the mayor, which includes assumptions ...“This balanced budget that we received is under the assumption that we have to sell $2.5 million in real estate,” Ms. Gabriel said. “And if you don't what is your plan?”
Mr. Sarantou assured Ms. Gabriel and council that the property is likely to sell.
The $2.5 million would come from selling city property, including the empty former site of Southwyck Shopping Center, the property where NorthTowne Mall once stood, and city-owned land Monclova Township, he said.
The budget also includes no dedicated funding for swimming pools, but Mayor Hicks-Hudson last week said the city could raise $800,000 from grants and donations for pools and other recreational programs. That number is also written into the budget.
Initial reaction to PH2's and Sarantou's financial wizardry:
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