Search Results For “Tag:data” - # - rss

JR: 2016 Cleveland Browns move toward Moneyball - Jan 6, 2016 - And I like the idea. It's intriguing. But I might be a bit bias because my degree is in mathematics, and I like using stats to provide context. Since a lot of Cleveland media and national media are confused and upset about the recent m... more>> 11 min read
- Jan 13, 2016 - #math #data #sports #football #nfl #browns #business #blog_jr

JR: Football Data - #sports - #football - #nfl - #data
- May 21, 2014

JR: FiveThirtyEight - Features {{feed= desc}} Data Lab {{feed= desc}} Not using these, since most are included in the above feeds, I think. Nate's articles { {feed= desc}} Politics { {feed= desc}} Economics { {feed= desc}} Sports { {feed= desc}} Science { {fee... more>>
- Apr 24, 2014 - #politics #sports #weather #data #media

JR: FiveThirtyEight - Journalism, Programming, and Data - #media - #programming - #data
- Apr 09, 2014

JR: Nate Silver's new media venture - March 2014 - Mar 6, 2014 article: Since joining ESPN in late July, Nate Silver has spent an estimated 90% of his time interviewing candidates to add to FiveThirtyEights team. He is fanatical about hiring. He has insisted that potential hires demonstrate an a... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 10, 2014 - #media #startup #data

JR: Data-driven journalism and structuring information at Circa - The assumed output of a reporter is the article. Thats what reporters are supposed to produce during their work day, and its the default unit by which journalists organize their data. Theres plenty of information in the text thats produced, but how m... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #media #quote #data #mashup #cms #blog_jr

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