Search Results For “Tag:wind” - # - rss

JR: Tt post may 11 2016 - b - Regarding Amazon in Ohio, the following info is based upon 2015-2016 news stories. The info may have changed since initial reporting, or I may have comprehended the stories incorrectly. Verify on your own time. Amazon plans to build three data cent... more>>
- May 11, 2016 - #ohio #energy #wind #business #web #hosting

JR: Lake Erie Wind Turbine Farm Planned for 2017 - Well initially, it may not be a farm. More like a small, rooftop garden. Aug 20, 2013 story Lake Erie wind developers say they will have the first wind turbine pilot project built by 2017. They will be similar to these offshore wi... more>> 1 min read
- Apr 27, 2014 - #politics #energy #wind #moronism #environment #nature #birds #blog_jr

JR: Small wind farm being built along Lake Erie in Ottawa County - December 2013 Camp Perry filed the FONSI. USFWS objected to it. But the turbine above isn't at Camp Perry. We're now dealing with TWO separate projects in the same area. ) C... more>> 5 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #energy #wind #environment #nature #birds #politics #business #moronism

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