Embarrassing shameful Toledo media covering the NSM
It seems that the local media tried to hype a non-event, or the local media were extremely ignorant.
The NSM held a rally on Sat, Apr 18, 2015 in downtown Toledo at One Government Center.
I didn't follow the local media much during the month prior to the event, but what local media stories I observed, I noticed that the local media constantly referred to the rioting that occurred in North Toledo in October 2005.
The problem was, the local media failed to frame the Apr 18, 2015 schedule rally in proper, intelligent context.
The NSM also visited Toledo in December 2005. That rally was held in downtown Toledo at One Government Center, and it was a non-event. No violence. A few arrests from rule-breaking counter protesters.
I expected the Apr 18, 2015 rally to be a non-event also, and it was. No violence. One arrest of a rule-breaking counter protester. The only surprise to me was the number of losers (counter protesters, onlookers, etc.) who attended. That was probably due to the nice weather. If the chilly, windy, rainy weather of the next day had occurred on Apr 18, then the crowd probably would have been smaller.
Did the local media intentionally ignore mentioning the Dec 2005 event because it was boring? Was the local media trying to hype the Apr 2015 rally for their own ratings? Did the local media intentionally mislead the public by comparing the Apr 2015 rally to the North Toledo march and riot?
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