Toledo Talk proposed comment aug 24 2015
i'll take it easy on this amazingly nice august day.
Why for Carty? One main reason :
[Czarty] gave a speech at the Toledo Warehouse District Association on Aug. 18 endorsing merging city and county government, with the argument that the suburban communities should do more to subsidize the cost of running Toledo.
Holy hell. How is that not insane? And you know Czarty is not the only Toledo official who thinks that way.
But I get it. The illegal traffic enforcement cameras are not bringing in the expected revenue, and Toledo faces a budget hole, but that doesn't stop the mayor from handing our significant raises to incompetents.
Some Toledoans trash the city with illegal dumping, but dimwits in city government blame the refuse company for not offering free unlimited bulk pickup every week because, apparently, too many Toledoans don't want to pay for anything.
The city struggles to manage basic infrastructure needs because the turdsticks squander taxpayer money with misplaced priorities. Oh yeah, we still have plenty of crime in the city.
And since Toledo's population declines by 1,000 to 2,000 people per year, the solution is to steal more money from outlying communities even though Toledo already maintains water extortion agreements with our neighbors.
Anything positive that happens in the Toledo area does so in spite of and not because of the Toledo-based political cretins.
The most dangerous toxin in this region is not the microcystin in Lake Erie. It's a politician who lives in Toledo.
From JR's : articles
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