Search Results For “Tag:junco” - # - rss
Fix the problem with friendly URL names containing parens
- 5Sep2013: changed to todo later, since this is a Textile module change
Make them a clickable link in Textile
The URL to a link subroutine now works with a URL like this:
But it does not work when used with the Textile module.
- Sep 05, 2013
- #junco #todo_later
Resolved - Fix YouTube embed code
- Resolved on Sep 5, 2013
Unfortunately, ampersand signs are getting encoded. The & sign can be a valid character that's part of a YouTube video URL. No, I made a mistake in grabbing the YouTube URL to embed in my content here. No amperand was used in...
1 min read
- Sep 05, 2013
- #junco #resolved
Resolved - Fix problem of not being able to save an old version
- If doing a revert by editing and saving and old version of a blog post, the system throws an error about the title already existing.
Fixed on Sep 5, 2013. - added code to title_exists subroutine to check to see if the post was an old ver...
- Sep 05, 2013
- #resolved #junco
Resolved - Add edit link at top of article
- For blog posts, instead of scrolling to the bottom of the page to click the edit link, add an edit link to the top of the page, probably a CSS float right link.
completed on 1Sep2013. That was a fast change. I should have enabled this a while ago. ...
- Sep 01, 2013
- #resolved #junco
Resolved - Fix backlinks not working issue
- fixed on 26aug2013
What happened?
update: 26aug2013 - default status for each backlink was 'x' within the definition of the db table. when inserting a new backlink, the status was not being changed to 'o'.
The backlinks link is no longer working....
- Aug 26, 2013
- #resolved #junco
Resolved - Test text for the Textile live preview editor
- update 21aug2013: have changed to #resolved.
This is some test text after reducing the font size from for this pane from 1.2em to 1.1em and reducing the line height from 1.7em to 1.5em. Despite the reductions, the text still displays fine in this w...
2 min read
- Aug 21, 2013
- #resolved #editor #textile #javascript #junco
Resolved - Add client-side Textile markup editor
- update 21aug2013: have now tagged this as #resolved. I'm going with the splitscreen setup that is currently in place. No need for a live preview editor on the client side right now. I have auto-save implemented.
Some new, interesting code found at ...
2 min read
- Aug 21, 2013
- #resolved #junco #editor #markup
Resolved - Add auto-save and live preview to blog posts
- Auto-save implemented on 21Aug2013
Definitely add the auto-save feature when creating/updating a blog post.
Client-side JavaScript would send Textile blog post markup to the server (like hitting the post button) at regular intervals.
Save interva...
1 min read
- Aug 21, 2013
- #junco #resolved
Resolved - Enhance the split screen posting mode
- Completed on 20Aug2013
change the way preview works - done
allow for editing existing posts - done
when saving a post, allow for continue editing and saving - done
Change preview and save actions
Existing Actions
split screen - typing on th...
1 min read
- Aug 21, 2013
- #resolved #junco
Resolved - Fix display of extended ascii characters when editing in splitscreen mode
- resolved on 21aug2013: commented out a line of code that encoded entities. I'm still confused about the differences between how client-side JavaScript and basic CGI processing handle extended ASCII characters. It's mainly concerned with double and si...
- Aug 21, 2013
- #resolved #junco
Resolved - Remove the social components and maybe starting over
- Changed to "resolved" on 20Aug2013.
I should have left these feature out to begin with, but it was hard to create the app without thinking of other people using the app on the same site.
Adding these features required a good bit of time and lines ...
4 min read
- Aug 20, 2013
- #junco #resolved #kestrel
Resolved - New CPAN modules to use with Junco code
- These will probably be needed:
22jul2013 - added these modules to the junco code base
REST - using this to migrate content
JSON - like with ToledoWX - 20aug2013 using this for the split screen typing mode
Related posts:
Rest and Json links to ...
- Aug 20, 2013
- #resolved #junco #rest #json
Resolved - Kestrel code stats
- Changed to resolved on 20Aug2013.
As of July 16, 2013
~7,100 lines of code
22 custom-created modules
44 templates
Bigger than I had originally planned. I thought it would be much smaller. I only needed functions to create and edit blog posts and...
2 min read
- Aug 20, 2013
- #junco #resolved
Resolved - Add desc info to RSS feed
- Currently, the title is the only main text displayed in RSS feed.
Include the entire microblog text or the first X chars of a blog post in the description area.
Update: - implemented this.
{{feed= desc}}
- Aug 20, 2013
Resolved - change the slash short cut link to point to the post command
- implemented on 20Aug2013
instead of pointing to "microblogpost"
point to "post"
"post" is a new function that can display either a microblog or blog posting.
i thought about replacing microblogpost and blogpost with the new post function, but i l...
- Aug 20, 2013
- #resolved #junco