article archive - 05/2013 - all archives

JR: UP snowfall May 11, 2013 - 05/11/2013 0800 PM 2 miles WNW of Trout Lake, Chippewa County. Snow m1.5 inch, reported by co-op observer. 6 hr total thru 8 PM. Snow depth trace. 05/11/2013 0800 PM 3 miles NE of Pickford, Chippewa County. Snow m1.0 inch, repor... more>>
- May 12, 2013 - #weather

JR: Test post from iphone - In #Clinton. Hanging out. Enjoying creative play time with my nieces. Truman the cat is sprawled on couch back top behind the head of a resting Pap. #Weather now in Clinton is warmish in 80s. In Toledo area at 2pm, weather is overcast and 52 degre... more>>
- May 11, 2013 - #Clinton #Weather #oinc

JR: Resolved - Change how the code command works - finished on 6Aug2013 - still supports the code=yes command where the entire page is displayed within a read-only textarea box. and also supports the code./code.. so that multiple code fragments can be displayed within the same post of normal text. b... more>>
- Aug 07, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Simple live preview code example - HTML ------- textarea id="content"/textarea div id="preview"/div JavaScript ------------- $('#content').keyup(function() { $('#preview').html($('#content').val()); }) CSS ----- #preview { border: 1px solid black; wid... more>>
- May 08, 2013

JR: Resolved - Add auto-save and live preview to blog posts - Auto-save implemented on 21Aug2013 Definitely add the auto-save feature when creating/updating a blog post. Client-side JavaScript would send Textile blog post markup to the server (like hitting the post button) at regular intervals. Save interva... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 21, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Tech skills to learn - JQuery Mobile development progressive enhancement responsive design CSS/CSS3 HTML/HTML5 JavaScript GitHub Testing Curl Sites to read/study Helpful articles: ABC: Always Be Coding Four Steps to Google, Without a Degree Senio... more>>
- Oct 09, 2013 - #programming #design

JR: Resolved - Fix feed command - Resolution: For some reason, my code removed the opening and closing syntax for CDATA before sending the feed to the XML parser. I commented out this code. Resolved - Also, enable the feed command to work with https in addition to http https://me... more>>
- Jun 27, 2013 - #resolved #junco

JR: To-read - 7May2013 - Evan Williams on Medium: 'The magazine is the analog for what were doing' Building a Mindful Company Why I love Medium Notes and why you will love them too Include article references without disrupting reading QA w/Brent re River of News 11th hour fo... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013

JR: Resolved - Fix error when not following any tags - SQL syntax error occurs when clicking on "tags" being followed and the user is not following any tags. Fix: I corrected the SQL that was created when no tags when were being followed. #junco #resolved
- Jun 27, 2013

JR: Rest and Json links to keep around - The JSON Validator Excerpts from How the web works - HTTP and CGI explained REST Fest 2012 \ Stuart Charlton #perl #programming #json #rest
- Oct 10, 2013

JR: Resolved - Add private blog count - on the user profile page next to the text "Private blog posts" add the number like with the other items. Update: Completed on Thu, May 23, 2013. #junco #resolved
- Jun 27, 2013

JR: Backyard bird post from March 2005 - This was a test post, made in the Parula app under development. The key part is the Hairy Woodpecker sighting in our backyard in March 2005. I think the first HAWO, which was a male, began visiting our suet feeder in the spring of 2004 or 2005. The m... more>> 1 min read
- May 07, 2013 - #birds

JR: Excerpts from How the web works - HTTP and CGI explained - REQUEST_METHOD = GET Authoring/maintainance: HTTP extensions for this HTTP/1.0 only defined the GET, HEAD and POST methods and for ordinary browsing this is enough. However, one may want to use HTTP to edit and maintain files directly on the ser... more>>
- Jul 30, 2013 - #rest

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