Search Results For “Tag:opensource” - # - rss

JR: Forum Software - October 2014 - Gazillions of forums software exist, dating back to the 1990s, but I'm only listing relatively new ones that interest me. more>>
- Oct 06, 2014 - #forums #opensource

JR: Geek Browser War - Firefox vs Chrome - August 2014 - I've used Chrome as my main browser for years. I switched to Opera for a while in January 2014 because it seemed that a new version of Chrome chewed up more CPU. But Chrome does a lot of little things well that I missed in Opera, so I switched back... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 16, 2014 - #web #browser #opensource #business

JR: Comments about commenting systems - June 2014 - And it continues ... Attempting to correct, improve, and manage reply mechanisms, attached to media-created content. Additional links and thoughts: I thought the Facebook commenting system was the Holy Grail for media sites. What about the Disq... more>> 8 min read
- Jun 23, 2014 - #media #comments #programming #opensource #design #blog_jr

JR: Projects hosted at GitHub used to power GitHub - March 25, 2014 The projects that interest me: defunkt/jquery-pjax pushState + ajax = pjax elasticsearch/elasticsearch Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine antirez/redis Redis i... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 25, 2014 - #programming #opensource #design #blog_jr

JR: Quartz media designed for mobile and sharing - The site, which launched just 18 months ago, focusses on "smart, creative, shareable content", with articles that are either under 500 words or longer, more analytical pieces. Speaking to, Kevin Delaney, editor-in-chief of the site,... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #mobile #socialmedia #opensource #images #startup #blog_jr

JR: 2014 Knight News Challenge - Ideas for Strengthening the Internet - Project ideas need to answer the question: "How can we strengthen the Internet for free expression and innovation?" Deadline for idea submissions is Mar 18, 2014. My idea is not mine. I nominate the IndieWeb. ... more>>
- Mar 03, 2014 - #media #opensource #activism #indieweb #event #blog_jr

JR: IndieWebCamp principles for building the indie Web - "You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." - Morpheus, The Matrix Whatever the reason, you're done with share... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 08, 2013 - #microformats #indieweb #programming #opensource #blog_jr

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