article archive - 05/2013 - all archives

JR: Resolved - Strange redirect error with Links browser - Whoa. While testing with jr account on the Links browser, I received a weird redirect error after creating a mircoblog post, and for some reason, the browser posted the same microblog post several times in a row. May need to investigate to see if a f... more>>
- Jun 27, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: This is a test blog post made with the Links browser - I'm using the Links browser from the command prompt on the server. Links was created in late 1990s to replace Lynx. I used Lynx on Vax/VMS in the mid 1990s to test HTML. I cannot run Links with the -g graphics mode option on the more>>
- May 22, 2013

JR: Hacker News post about current Web design trends - May 22, 2013 Hacker News post that pointed to a 2011 article titled Are Current Web Design Trends Pushing Us Back to 1999? The top rated comment in that Hacker New thread sounds like me. My emphasis ad... more>> 1 min read
- May 22, 2013 - #design

JR: Sketching out the ignore user feature at Toledo Talk - Completed on May 22, 2013, the same day I created this list of things to do. It took about three hours to sketch out the ideas and then incrementally build and test in small chunks. The process was faster and and easier than expected. Some Toledo T... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 16, 2013 - #toledotalk #blog_jr

JR: GitHub info for newbies - And Git in general. [X] After creating new repository through the Web browser at GitHub, do the following at the command prompt on local machine t... more>> 6 min read
- Aug 06, 2017 - #github #programming #versioncontrol #business #collaboration #gtd

JR: Resolved - Make enhanced textarea blog post feature work with blog replies - When replying to a blog post and then clicking the "enhanced" link, the reply-to part is lost. It will create a normal blog post instead of a blog reply post. #junco #resolved
- Jun 27, 2013

JR: Resolved - Fix bug with not able to view source - For top-level, non-private posts, could not view source. Should be able to view source. #junco #resolved
- Jun 27, 2013

JR: Cleaning a window air conditioner - Our two small window AC units purchased in July 2011: Frigidaire model number: LRA074AT7 6500 BTU manual for unit that's similar to ours: Care and Cleaning Energy Saving Ideas Clean your air conditioner occasionally to keep it looking new. ... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 09, 2013 - #home

JR: 2013 northwest Ohio spring bird migration update - The bird migration through northwest Ohio seems to be on schedule. Excellent numbers and variety of songbirds migrated through northwest Ohio on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 through Saturday, May 18, 2013. Tuesday and Wednesday were the biggest days. Fem... more>>
- May 20, 2013 - #birds #nature #springmigration

JR: Add a forwarding feature? - Like with re-tweeting in Twitter or re-blogging with Tumblr. Read a microblog or blog post and then hit the forward link, so it appears in stream and would be seen by followers. #todo_later #junco
- Jun 27, 2013

JR: Test Automation using Perl - (Day 1) - Gabor Szabo - $250 The 2-days class will include both lectures and hands-on exercises. Therefore the participants are requested to bring their own notebook machine to be able to enjoy the whole course. This class assumes you are familiar ... more>> 1 min read
- May 17, 2013 - #perl #programming #testing

JR: Web and mobile development using Perl, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript - (Day 1) - Gabor Szabo - $250 At the end of the course you will be able to build two things: A web application with Perl Dancer framework as a back-end which is also mobile enabled. An installable mobile application for Android devices and iDevi... more>> 1 min read
- May 28, 2013 - #perl #programming #javascript #html5 #css3

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