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JR: Beer Recipe Number One - Imperial Stout - March 2014 - We brewed an Imperial Stout at Jerry's Brew Day that occurred on Sun, Mar 30, 2014. Notes before, during, and after brew day Items to bring - (Arrive around 10:00 a.m.) food to share large plastic folding table small plastic folding table dig... more>> 8 min read
- Jul 01, 2014 - #recipe #beverage #beer #blog_jr - replies: 44

JR: Grisette - Belgium beer - Miner beer. Old beer style, not brewed much. It's similar to a saison or farmhouse ale, except grisette is a little lighter. Grisette actually originated in French Wallonia specifically in the Hainut province of southern Belgium. It was mostly r... more>>
- Jun 06, 2014 - #beer #beverage #recipe

JR: Beer bottling conditioning - a priming sugar is NOT used at bottling. yeast from some source is used to produce natural carbonation within the bottle. some Belgium style beers can only produce certain flavors through bottling and not kegging. #beer - #beverage #todo - nee... more>>
- Jun 06, 2014 - #beer #beverage #todo

JR: Belgian Beers - farmhouse/saison blonde wit (white or wheat) dubbel trippel quad strong dark trappist abbey brown #beer - #beverage
- Jun 06, 2014

JR: Brooklyn Brew Shop - Summer Wheat Instructions - (Their website with instructions would not function on either tablet. Copied instructions here, so that we can access them via tablet in kitchen.) - brewing instructions - pdf file I. The Mash Heat 2 quarts (1.9 liters) of water to 160F (71C)... more>> 5 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #howto #beverage #beer #home #blog_jr

JR: Questions for Glass City Mashers - #beer - #beverage - #todo clear beer or cloudy beer? taste diffs? use irish moss to clear beer? bottle with sediment, do you shake it or not? brew in a bag? bottling sugar? corn sugar table sugar honey tablets bottle conditioning?
- May 26, 2014

JR: Roasting coffee beans at home - Apparently, an air popcorn popper makes a decent home roaster for coffee beans. We'll try it out. [Sep 2013 update: This works well. Roast in the evening, outside. Let beans cool and rest uncovered inside at room temp. Grind and brew in the morning... more>> 10 min read
- Apr 18, 2014 - #home #recipe #coffee #beverage #blog_jr

JR: Registry Bistro Wine Dinner - Mon, Mar 24, 2014 - I attended a Registry Bistro wine dinner in February of 2013, and it was fantastic, so I'm looking forward to this one. Another great lineup of dishes is planned. Update: No surprise that this was another fantastic experience. Great food, wine, and ... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 26, 2014 - #toledo #restaurant #food #event #wine #beverage #blog_jr

JR: Home beer brewing notes - Yeast Recipes Equipment for First Batch 7-gallon fermenting bucket 3-piece airlock #recipe - #beverage - #beer - #howto
- Mar 21, 2014

JR: Toledo area shopping - Sat, Mar 15, 2014 - We left home around 9:00 a.m. and returned home around 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Another fine day visiting and shopping at local businesses. Toledo Farmers Market bread coffee beans apples salad greens and maybe one or two other items Black Kite Coffee ... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #toledo #business #birds #yarn #beverage #food #coffee #blog_jr

JR: Black Cloister Brewery plans June 2014 opening in downtown Toledo - (New brewery for Toledo. My Mar 7, 2014 comment in a thread.) "i'd be nervous about the shift from home brewing to large batches." Isn't that how most if not all craft breweries got started? Great Black Swamp Brewery In late 20... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 11, 2014 - #food #beer #beverage #blog_jr

JR: The Andersons Beer Tasting - Saturday, March 8, 2014 From 2-4 pm, Tasting BIG BEERS (except one) at The Andersons Sylvania Market, located at Sylvania King: Stone "Go To": IPA Two Bros. Revelry Imperial Red Ale Knee Deep Simtra Triple IPA Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break N... more>>
- Mar 07, 2014 - #beverage #beer #event

JR: Toledo area shopping - Sat, Feb 15, 2014 - Sunny day. Clear, bright blue sky. Little wind. We left home around 11:00 a.m. with temps approx 12 to 15 degrees. We got home at about 4:00 p.m. Still sunny. Temps around 20 degrees. Nice day. Maybe one of the last real winter days for a while. We... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 05, 2014 - #toledo #business #birds #yarn #beverage #food #blog_jr

JR: Cold-brew Coffee - Another of the many ways to brew coffee. NY Times.1 Without the bitterness produced by hot water, the cold-brewed coffee had hints of chocolate, even caramel. I dropped my sugar packet no need for it. The best brews hardly need cream. Cold-br... more>> 7 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #coffee #beverage #recipe #blog_jr

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