Search Results For “Tag:garden” - # - rss

JR: Control mildew on plant leaves - 1 tablespoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap 1 gallon of water mix and shake well. fill spray bottle. spray leaves early in the morning or late in the evening. #home - #garden - #flower - #howto - #blog_jr
- Sep 02, 2014

JR: Organic versus non-organic foods and contamination - From a handout that I picked up at the University Church in Toledo. 12 Most Contaminated so buy these ORGANIC Peaches Apples Sweet Bell Peppers* Celery* Nectarines Strawberries* Cherries Pears Grapes (imported) Spinach* Lettuce* Potatoes* 12 Le... more>>
- Jul 17, 2014 - #food #health #home #garden

JR: Garden tip for carrots and celery - From the Shared Legacy Farms Facebook page: Take the tops off your carrots when you get home, or they will get "floppy" as the greens suck the moisture out. We like to put them in water to keep them crisp like celery. #home - #garden - #food - ... more>>
- Jul 16, 2014 - #home #garden #food #howto

JR: Backyard photos - Jun 21, 2014 - Evening photos with a mostly cloudy sky, so the light was poor. Our little Toledo urban backyard. The soil part. Unfortunately, at least half of the back property consists of the concrete driveway, leading to the detached garage. I guess that was ... more>> 2 min read
- Jun 21, 2014 - #home #toledo #flower #nature #garden #blog_jr

JR: Square Foot Gardening - The soil mixture must consist of 1/3 part compost, 1/3 part peat moss and 1/3 coarse vermiculite Before filling the box with soil, place a sheet of weed mat at the bottom. This will prevent weeds from growing. A suggested soil re... more>>
- May 27, 2014 - #home #garden

JR: JR : Gardening - Books : Lawns (Rodale's Organic Gardening Basics) Farmer John's Cookbook: The Real Dirt on Vegetables - Seasonal Recipes and Stories from A Community Supported Farm A Slice of Organic Life - review Toledo Talk article titled: Ten Mile Creek Farm... more>> 5 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #home #garden

JR: Our 2013 produce garden plants - In 2012, I reluctantly replaced my swamp milkweed bed with a small, produce garden. In 2013, I expanded the garden by removing more lawn and removing some flowers from our main Oak Openings native flowers bed. These were the plants that we used in o... more>> 1 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #home #garden #food #blog_jr

JR: Growing tomatoes in our garden 2013 - We grew four species of tomatoes in our backyard garden in 2013. As of now, October 16, the garden is still producing tomatoes. Many green ones are still ripening slowly. No frost yet this season. No real threat of a frost thus far this season, so I ... more>> 2 min read
- Nov 02, 2013 - #todo #home #garden #food #blog_jr

JR: This is a test post from the split-screen writing area - It's Friday morning, around 7:30 a.m. EDT, and it's already August 9, 2013. The summer is whizzing by. The weather has been amazing. Weather Today marks the three weeks of below normal temps. The high temps have been mainly in the 70s with some d... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 09, 2013 - #weather #garden

JR: To-dos for the week of June 17, 2013 - [done 18june] mow entire yard. done 20 june change Munster's cage. [done 18june] apply landscaping cloth and pine bark mulch to one oval backyard flower bed. [didn't work. pan too hard. 18june] drill drainage holes on the underside of one planter pan... more>>
- Jun 24, 2013 - #home #yard #garden #yardtodo

JR: Yard to-dos for the end of May 2013 - Backyard done - snip out more phlox done - remove most of the plants growing in the concrete seams. done - take down or move the hopper feeder. done - mow backyard done - Turn over the soil in the old swamp milkweed bed that was used l... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 05, 2013 - #home #yard #garden #yardtodo

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