article archive - 06/2014 - all archives

JR: Legendary Steelers coach Chuck Noll dies - He was not a pizzazz guy. He knew where he was, where he was going and where he wanted to go and how to do it, Rooney Jr. said. He had a very, very strong moral compass. ... My dad respected that. Noll was a reluctant celebrity and turned down only ... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #sports #football #history #blog_jr

JR: 2014 World Cup Soccer Coverage - Excerpts from the above article: Youll need a cable login to watch the ESPN coverage online but if you dont have a cable subscription youll be able to watch at least the early round games online via Univision though youll need to dust up on y... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #sports #soccer #media #blog_jr

JR: Markdown and Multimarkdown cheatsheets or syntax guides - #markdown
- Jun 13, 2014

JR: My profile page in Multimarkdown - My Photos of Toledo Area Sights Magee Marsh causeway traveler Lake Erie at Magee Marsh Ground Hog's Day at our West Toledo home crunchy Maumee River tame deer at Magee Marsh at home Swan Creek in Downtown Erie S... more>>
- Jun 13, 2014

JR: The Stain and Korn shows from 1995. - (my Feb 28, 2006 comment at A good friend of mine played in The Stain, and I attended several of their shows around town back in the mid to late 90s. I ran the video equipment, so plenty of documented evidence exists showing Stainbro... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #politics #music #history #event #humor #blog_jr

JR: LCRP Jun 11, 2014 meeting recap - Blade photo. Who is the republican meeting attendee, and who is the security person? The gun is throwing me off. I like the pumpkin name tags. Frigging hilarious. The Lucas County Clown Party should broadcast their meetings over pay-per-view to ra... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Blade's dumb idea to move Owens CC downtown - (my Jun 10, 2014 comment at "Get used to this story. I think The Blade will make it into another crusade until the move is made." Moving Owens CC [Community College] to downtown Toledo is so damn stupid that if the Blade keeps sugge... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #business #education #politics #media #moronism #blog_jr

JR: ToledoWX Weather Web App Proposed Changes - June 2014 - Here's the Lucas County Zone XML file used by three scripts within ToledoWX. I did not realize that the NWS also produces a JSON version. Nice. And it's functioning better than the XML file. For some reason, the XML file stopped including the "... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 18, 2014 - #todo #toledowx

JR: The Cure - Lollapalooza 2013 - - Lollapalooza, Grant Park: Chicago, IL, August 4, 2013 - two hour video. Setlist: Plainsong Pictures of You Lullaby High The End of the World Lovesong In Between Days Just Like Heaven From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea The Walk Min... more>>
- Jun 06, 2014 - #music #video

JR: Music Playlist - RAY LAMONTAGNE /// 1. Be Here Now - (Till The Sun Turns Black) - (2006) Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain (Lyric Video) Iron Wine - Woma... more>> 13 min read
- Sep 09, 2017

JR: Grisette - Belgium beer - Miner beer. Old beer style, not brewed much. It's similar to a saison or farmhouse ale, except grisette is a little lighter. Grisette actually originated in French Wallonia specifically in the Hainut province of southern Belgium. It was mostly r... more>>
- Jun 06, 2014 - #beer #beverage #recipe

JR: Beer bottling conditioning - a priming sugar is NOT used at bottling. yeast from some source is used to produce natural carbonation within the bottle. some Belgium style beers can only produce certain flavors through bottling and not kegging. #beer - #beverage #todo - nee... more>>
- Jun 06, 2014 - #beer #beverage #todo

JR: Belgian Beers - farmhouse/saison blonde wit (white or wheat) dubbel trippel quad strong dark trappist abbey brown #beer - #beverage
- Jun 06, 2014

JR: Swan Creek Cleanup and Boat Ride Info - (my tt comment - jun 5, 2014) Last September, a friend and I cleaned up a small portion of the bank along Swan Creek by the farmers market because it was littered with trash, and invasive plants crowded the native flowers. We conducted our little op... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #nature #environment #blog_jr

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