article archive - 10/2013 - all archives

JR: Enable search form in nav bar when resizing browser - Recent CSS change removed the changing search text input field from the nav bar when browser is approx tablet sized in portrait mode. #juncotodo
- Oct 13, 2013

JR: Typical blob of test text - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure d... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 05, 2014 - #testing

JR: Quotes in Perl - Single quotation marks are used to enclose data you want taken literally. Double quotation marks are used to enclose data that needs to be interpolated before processing. q The first way to quote without quotes is to use q() notation. Instead of ... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 12, 2013 - #perl #programming

JR: Commit to GitHub 11Oct2013 - moved into production and committed github on 12Oct2013 - = moved into production X = committed to github t / Signup.t - change path to yaml file #junco #github #resolved
- Oct 12, 2013

JR: Valid chars in Junco attributes - Verify valid chars for: passwords - alphanumeric and !@$%^ usenames - 1 to 30 chars long, alphanumeric and underscore email addresses - email must be shorter than 256 chars and valid syntax hashtags #juncotodo #testing
- Oct 12, 2013

JR: My November 2012 comments about accessing and paying for digital news content - November 2012 thread titled The Blade begins All Access subscription for online content My comments from that thread: 1. - Excerpts from the Facebook comments posted at the Blade article about charging for digital access: "I will s... more>> 10 min read
- Oct 10, 2013 - #media #web #mobile #tablet #blog_jr

JR: CSS and background image - Testing something div style=background: a href=/cgi-bin/; color: #000; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: center; background-image: url(/image/test.jpg); width:100%; max-width:1280px; max-height: 400px; bac... more>>
- Oct 10, 2013 - #fff #css

JR: Shopping for groceries in Toledo - I'm set with these locations: Phoenix Earth Food Co-op The Andersons Zavotski Farmers Markets Toledo Meat Market update Jan 26, 2015: - in 2014, Al Hahib Market opened near us, so we shop there instead of the Toledo Meat Market. Once a month ... more>>
- Jan 26, 2015 - #business #food #blog_jr

JR: Resolved - Fix CSS nav issue in IE 8 - Completed on 10Oct2013. Modified header.tmpl and junco.css. For browsers not supporting media queries, the search link appears in the nav bar on large screens instead of the search form. Also, needed to add to header.tmpl: !--[if lt IE 9] scri... more>>
- Oct 10, 2013 - #junco #resolved #css

JR: Commit to github - 10Oct2013 - completed on 10Oct2013 - = moved into production X = committed to github Change junconightmode.css [-] [X] junco.css [-] [X] splitscreen.css [-] [X] splitscreenform.tmpl [-] [X] header.tmpl [-] [X] footer.tmpl [-] [X] notloggedinheader.tmpl [-] [... more>>
- Oct 10, 2013 - #junco #resolved #github

JR: Resolved - Possible WebMention change - completed on 10Oct2013 - enabled hashtags in webmention posts to be auto-linked. maybe auto-link hashtags for webmention microblog posts like all other posts. #junco #resolved
- Oct 10, 2013

JR: Correct any UTF-8 issues - resolved for now - 9oct2013 Modified the modules for creating and updating microblog and blog posts. Markup, however, now gets stored in HTML entities when the markup contains funky characters. I may change this later, so I added the todo_later has... more>>
- Oct 09, 2013 - #resolved #junco #todo_later

JR: W.W. Knight Nature Preserve - (my August 2007 Toledo Talk post) "To preserve, enhance, protect, and interpret the natural and cultural resources of Wood County." The W.W. Knight Nature Preserve is located in Perrysburg Township, between Perrysburg and Rossford, on White Road j... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 23, 2014 - #park #woodcounty #perrysburg #blog_jr

JR: Completed - Commit to github - 8Oct2013 - completed on 8oct2013 css / junco.css css / junconightmode.css javascript / meanmenu / meanmenu2.css header.tmpl blogpost.tmpl microblogpost.tmpl headermeanmenu.tmpl #junco ... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013 - #junco #github #resolved

JR: Testing Services and Conversion Utils - rss more>> 1 min read
- Sep 25, 2017 - #html #css #accessibility #testing #json

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