article archive - 12/2014 - all archives

JR: Dec 31, 2014 links to read -
- Dec 31, 2014

JR: Programming languages for long-term projects - Perl did not even get mentioned. If it did, it would probably be given the same response as PhP. Discussing programming languages is always a good way to start a flame-war. And naturally, someone wil... more>> 4 min read
- Dec 31, 2014 - #programming #history #humor

JR: Fine comment by another user - Aug 2014 about the water issue weekend My final (everyone says hopefully) thought on all this is, once again, Toledo Talk is the go-to place for information, updates, much-needed humor, and yes, even snarky internet-style arguments on significan... more>>
- Dec 30, 2014 - #toledotalk #history

JR: Local D.C. media site to close - Many media people are whining about the site not finding a financier. Maybe these people should organize a Kickstarter campaign and contribute money. Sites like BuzzFeed, Vox, etc have at least a national audience if not an international audience. D... more>> 1 min read
- Dec 29, 2014

JR: Create yet another publishing tool - Jan 2015 - A January 2015 project. Simple blog or note-taking web app. Uses: Nginx for the web server Node.js for the "client" code on the server API-based possibly create the initial API code in Perl then create the API code in Node.js use the Express fram... more>> 4 min read
- Feb 10, 2015 - #scaup #blogging #todo

JR: Browns news at the end of the 2014 season - Haslam fumes about Manziel and others disrespecting team but will not clean house again Tony Grossis Take: Browns show true character in strong effort amid circus around them #browns
- Dec 29, 2014

JR: The NFL draft order is set for non-playoff teams - As usual, the Browns next NFL appearance will be at the draft. I think the upcoming draft will be on April 30, 2015. For the second year in a row, the Browns will have two first round draft picks. Unless the Browns wheel and deal again like in the 20... more>> 3 min read
- Dec 29, 2014 - #sports #football #nfl #browns

JR: Toledo Winterfest 2014 - Fri, Dec 26, 2014 through Sun, Jan 4, 2015 There will be on-ice action taking place at the Huntington Center and Fifth Third Field throughout the 10-day Walleye Winterfest extravaganza. Check the schedule below to see what's happening and when it's... more>> 7 min read
- Dec 29, 2014 - #toledo #sports #hockey #event

JR: Dec 27, 2014 links to read -
- Dec 28, 2014

JR: Eastern Screech Owl fly-by in our backyard - On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at about 1:00 p.m., I stood at our kitchen window watching the dozens of HOSP and the numerous MODO forage on our backyard, along with a few fox squirrels. Some SCJU were mixed in as well. Then all the birds suddenly left. Even t... more>>
- Dec 25, 2014 - #home #bird

JR: Dec 23, 2014 links to read -
- Dec 23, 2014

JR: Three different National Weather Service forecasts for the Toledo area on Feb 4, 2013 - (my Feb 04, 2013 post) The National Weather Service is part of the NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A National Weather Service forecasting office used to exist at Toledo Express Airport. Obviously, it issued fo... more>> 6 min read
- Dec 22, 2014 - #weather #toledo

JR: Dec 22, 2014 links to read -
- Dec 23, 2014

JR: Jim Lahey No-knead Bread Baking - It has been several months, since I baked with this simple method that produces delicious bread. The no-knead method quickly assembles a bread dough. Very little labor is required. The recipe uses a small amount of dry, instant yeast and a fermentati... more>> 3 min read
- May 17, 2016 - #bread #home #food #recipe #howto #baking #blog_jr

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