article archive - 12/2014 - all archives

JR: Dec 18, 2014 links to read - more>>
- Dec 18, 2014

JR: and IndiAuth - #indieweb - #webmention
- Dec 18, 2014

JR: Flakes client-side JavaScript framework - Flakes is an Open Source Design Frontend Framework that serves as a foundation for internal business applications. Flakes is a combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that serve as a foundation. Flakes gives priority to ... more>>
- Dec 18, 2014 - #javascript #css #html #framework #design #programming #todo #testing

JR: Dec 17, 2014 links - more>>
- Dec 18, 2014

JR: Email newsletter startup business - Proof that not all of the ideas have been taken. Lo-fi tech approach plus personal interests plus a passion to make something. dec 2014 july 2014 sample #email - #media - #writing - #technology - #startup
- Dec 17, 2014

JR: Beer notes at tt - my dec 17, 2014 comment quote=186095 Apple Crisp Ale using an English ale yeast Belgian Blonde Ale Chocolate Maple Porter using an English ale yeast We bottled the porter last night. We'll bottle the blonde ale this weekend. We b... more>> 1 min read
- Dec 17, 2014 - #home #beer

JR: Former Browns QBs understand the team's instability - The Browns v2.0 (since 1999) has been super quick to make changes to the head coaches and quarterbacks at a degree that the Browns look cartoonish in a pathetic way. My post from about a year ago, the winter 2013-2014: Cleveland Browns - An Unstable... more>> 2 min read
- Dec 17, 2014 - #sports #football #nfl #browns #moronism

JR: First media goal is to be a must-read - To me, just one qeustion matters when it comes to a publication and whether it has a chance of long term success: Is it a must read? For me, the true test of a publications endurance is its convening power does it bring together the most important ... more>> 1 min read
- Dec 17, 2014

JR: Curl testing against Grebe - If using the no-password-login method ... WRONG, at least for now. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data json='{"user_name": "testuser", "email": ""}' CORRECT curl -i -d json='{"user_name": "testuser", "email... more>>
- Dec 16, 2014 - #grebe #curl #testing

JR: Using Node.JS to send a POST request - var querystring = require('querystring'); var data = querystring.stringify({ username: yourUsernameValue, password: yourPasswordValue }); var options = { host: 'my.url', port: 80, path: '/login', method: '... more>>
- Dec 16, 2014

JR: POST JSON data to a remote server using Node.js - h1. ================== var http = require('http'); var user = { username: 'The Reddest', email: '', firstName: 'Brandon', lastName: 'Cannaday' }; var userString = JSON.stringify(user); var h... more>>
- Dec 16, 2014

JR: Tanning salons? - my tt comment and/or proposed comment: "how do tanning salons stay in business?" Secretly funded by dermatologists?? "I know there are health-conscious people who want to avoid all evil sun-rays ..." Are tanning salons a healthier alternative to ... more>>
- Dec 16, 2014 - #health

JR: Using local Internet service provider - "perhaps DSL if they are still available" We've used for over 15 years, obviously starting with dial-up. Today, except for some NFL viewing, our TV watching is done over Roku.
- Dec 16, 2014

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