Search Results For “Tag:beer” - # - rss

JR: Sat, Apr 4, 2015 Notes - Shopped in the morning at the Toledo Farmers Market. Around 11:30 a.m., I picked DD up from volunteering in South Toledo. We parked in back of the Paula Brown Shop, located downtown, at about 11:50 a.m. We viewed the art inside the nearby building ... more>> 2 min read
- Apr 14, 2015 - #toledo #beer #brewery #restaurant #food #beverage

JR: Black Cloister Feb 26 2015 notes - Feb 26, 2015 - Toledo Blade - Black Cloister Brewing Co. taps opening date The story is part of a new Blade column, called "Raise a Glass." This is the debut of Raise a Glass, a monthly craft beer column covering whats brewing in northwest Ohio an... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 26, 2015 - #toledo #beer #brewery

JR: About the Black Cloister opening in March 2015 - my feb 25 2015 tt comment "Are they going to make everybody check their phones at the door too?" No. A person needs the cellphone to photograph the beer and post to Instagram. If you need a TV, then go elsewhere. What's so hard about that? I... more>> 2 min read
- Feb 25, 2015 - #beer #brewery #toledo

JR: Jan 15, 2015 insights from Tom at Titgemeier's. - I visited Titgemeier's this morning to buy bird seed, honey, and a bottle capper. I broke our capper last night. I chatted with Tom for a while. We definitely missed a good Glass City Mashers meeting last Thursday. Chris spoke. He's the owner of Bla... more>> 1 min read
- Jan 15, 2015 - #beer #business #toledo

JR: Beer notes at tt - my dec 17, 2014 comment quote=186095 Apple Crisp Ale using an English ale yeast Belgian Blonde Ale Chocolate Maple Porter using an English ale yeast We bottled the porter last night. We'll bottle the blonde ale this weekend. We b... more>> 1 min read
- Dec 17, 2014 - #home #beer

JR: December 5 is repeal prohibition day - (my Dec 5, 2014 comment) We've had December 5 circled on our calendar, but we're celebrating it tomorrow with a group beer brewing day. Maybe we'll burn our sign. Despite the end of prohibition in 1933, it was still illegal to br... more>> 1 min read
- Dec 05, 2014 - #beer #beverage

JR: November 2014 Kengo and Black Cloister opening updates - (my nov 24, 2014 comment) For some of these places, the renovations and the red tape take significantly longer than originally thought. I'm guessing that Kengo will update one of its web areas when the opening date nears. https:/... more>>
- Nov 24, 2014 - #food #beer #toledo #restaurant #sushi #business

JR: Notes - Jun 12-15, 2014 - Thu, Jun 12 - Glass City Mashers meeting at The Attic DD and I attended our first Glass City Mashers meeting last night, Jun 12, 2014 at the Attic, located above Mano's along Adams Street. The discussion focused on "bitters," which are English a... more>> 2 min read
- Nov 11, 2014 - #event #todo #toledo #food #beer #family #garden #blog_jr

JR: My thoughts on seasonal craft beers - my proposed TT comment - Sep 18, 2014 I place zero importance on the seasons. I simplify the process and drink good beer (and bourbon) that's available whenever. Such a beverage will taste good whether it's a Level III, raging snowstorm or, like... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 18, 2014 - #beer #beverage

JR: SMaSH Brewing - Single Malt and Single Hop - "SMaSH (single malt and single hop) brewing is a way to cut down on various brewing ingredients and appreciate what each aspect of a recipe brings to the table." SMaSH and DMaSH seem like a good way to learn more about the key ingredients and the pr... more>> 5 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #beer #blog_jr

JR: Black Frog Brewery - Opening someday in the Toledo area. "A Toledo native trying to open a local Nano Brewery" Jun 15, 2014 posting by a couple local bloggers: Excerpts: In a quaint garage on a quiet street in a beaut... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #beer #brewery #blog_jr

JR: La Trappe Dubbel - Trappist Beer - Wikipedia: De Koningshoeven Brewery ... is a Dutch Trappist brewery founded in 1884 within the walls of the abbey Onze Lieve Vrouw van Koningshoeven in Berkel-Enschot (near Tilburg). As of August 2014, this is probably one of my favorite beers. ... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 17, 2014 - #beer

JR: Beers that I like - Jotting down beers that DD and I enjoy trying. This list may give us ideas for future beer brewing projects at home. Left Hand Brewing Co. Milk Stout Nitro North Peak Brewing Company Vicious American Wheat IPA Rockmill Brewery Witbier Founder... more>> 4 min read
- Aug 17, 2014 - #beverage #beer #blog_jr

JR: July Brewly - 2014 - Large group beer brewing day at Jerry P's place, scheduled for Sat, Jul 26, 2014. Brewing begins at 10:00 a.m. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. We'll be brewing a five-gallon version of the one-gallon Beligan Wit that we brewed back in April. What to... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 24, 2014 - #event #beer #home #recipe

JR: Five-gallon beer - Saison - SMASH - Recipe is from the July issue of the Brew magazine. Single malt and single hop. This was our first attempt at brewing a five-gallon batch at home. It went a little rugged. It's an adventure. It took over five hours to complete. Scribbled notes fro... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 23, 2014 - #home #beer

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