Search Results For “Tag:mobile AND design” - # - rss

JR: The case for print journalism - Sep 10, 2016 - Politico - Why Print News Still Rules - "Ive been an online journalist for 20 yearsand still, youll have to pry my newspaper from my cold dying hands." I get most of my news from the Web as it flows to my desktop, my tablet, my pho... more>> 10 min read
- Sep 20, 2016 - #media #business #design #history #web #mobile #socialmedia #book

JR: WaPo using PWA to power its mobile website - Sep 6, 2016 WSJ story The Washington Post says it has a new lightning-fast mobile website, which it plans to roll out gradually before the end of the year. The publisher said the new site, based on Google technology called Progressive Web Apps, wi... more>> 4 min read
- Sep 06, 2016 - #pwa #mobile #web #design #media

JR: Interesting design and function plans by the UK's The Times - The Times UK may be the best example of a newspaper/digital media org that is making a profit. These are articles are enlightening. But can the same principles work at a smaller daily paper? I would say that The Times UK's strategies are more appli... more>> 12 min read
- Jul 30, 2016 - #media #design #web #mobile #app #business

JR: Video ads within Facebook's Instant Articles - March 31, 2016 I'm pointing out the inadequate writing, contained within this WSJ article. The social network said it will also allow publishers to place one additional ad unit at the bottom of every Instant Article, which it estimated could inc... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 31, 2016 - #ia #advertising #mobile #web #media #design #moronism

JR: Google AMP and Facebook's Instant Articles info - late Jan 2016 - Jan 26, 2016 and other media stories. #local - #media - #socialmedia - #design - #mobile
- Jan 26, 2016

JR: Apple iOS 9 - news reader and ad blocker - Positives for the user reading experience. Possibly negatives for publishers if they choose to remain stuck in the past. create crappy, bloated websites, and users revolt. and don't blame innovation that originates at Google, Faceb... more>> 14 min read
- Sep 20, 2015 - #media #design #rss #mobile #advertising

JR: Google's Mobile-friendly search algorithm change - April 2015 - Q: How do I know if my site is mobile friendly? A: There are a few ways but the only way to know if your site is already indexed by Google as mobile friendly is to see if your site has the mobile friendly label in the mobile search results. Using th... more>>
- Apr 21, 2015 - #mobile #search #design #internetofthings

JR: Mar 23, 2015 links - #css #design #responsive #mobile #app more>>
- Mar 23, 2015 - #css #design #responsive #mobile #app

JR: Journalist baffled by design - Feb 11, 2014 story titled Does it matter that mobile-native Quartz has a mobile-minority audience? The answer is "No," since Quartz is an 18-month-old digital media startup, and responsive web design only began its popularity surge in 2011. The cha... more>> 10 min read
- Dec 09, 2014 - #media #moronism #mobile #responsive #design #startup #blog_jr

JR: Mobile usage for phone, tablet, and phablet - I got my HP tablet in the fall of 2011, and I used it nearly every day since until June 2014 when I finally entered the smartphone era by getting an iPhone 5C (free upgrade with the 32 gig version.) Since upgrading from a flip phone to an iPhone, I h... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 09, 2014 - #todo #mobile #design #tablet #phone #laptop #blog_jr

JR: Web app info on iPhone - meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" / add the app to the home screen. the above removes the default top and bottom nav bars in the safari browser. this would work for my ToledoWX jQuery mobile web app, since it contains its own b... more>>
- Aug 04, 2014 - #mobile #web #app #design #todo

JR: Local media project ideas - As usual, I think about copying large scale projects for use at local level. For paid subscribers: localized version of Wikipedia with all content from the same media outlet such as toledo blade which has a vast treasure of content. - desi... more>>
- Aug 01, 2014 - #media #local #design #mobile #app

JR: Circa's mobile app versus the web and RSS - #todo finish editing Jul 23, 2014 - Scripting News - Where's Circa's RSS feed? For more than a year, I've been accessing Circa news stories via their Twitter page at . But since I finally got with the times and acqui... more>> 10 min read
- Jul 23, 2014 - #todo #media #mobile #app #rss #design #blog_jr

JR: Digital media and web services unbundling their products - A trend has emerged in the past year where some publishers and web services have separated their products into smaller offerings or verticals. ".. the digital unbundling is an extension of the decline of general interest content in print form lik... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 04, 2014 - #media #design #app #mobile #web #blog_jr

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