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JR: Tt post sep 2 2015 - Aug 29, 2015 Toledo Blade story about Carty's announcement event that occurred last Saturday: Mr. Finkbeiner ... The unendorsed Democrat had two Toledo city councilmen and the representatives of three union organizations on hand. Again, from t... more>> 5 min read
- Sep 02, 2015 - #toledo #politics #moronism #lakeerie #water

JR: Tt proposed post 2 sep 1 2015 - If Czarty wins in November, it won't be his fault. And it won't the fault of Czarty's supporters. Can't blame the non-voters. Maybe blame the losing candidates and their supporters. If people are vehemently opposed to Czarty being mayor of Tole... more>> 4 min read
- Sep 02, 2015 - #toledo #politics

JR: Tt post sep 1 2015 - In the past, it seemed that a Toledo area designated as an "Entertainment District" was permitted more liquor licences above some kind of city quota, and the license fees were cheaper, as Mariner stated. Excerpts from an April 2014 Toledo News Now ... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 01, 2015 - #toledo #business #entertainment

JR: Toledo Weather - Mon, Aug 31, 2015 - Today, Aug 31, is the final day of the meteorological summer. It appears that the first week of fall will start with mid-summer weather. This could end up being the longest stretch of warm weather that we experience in 2015. Our high temps last Tuesd... more>>
- Aug 31, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: 2015 Toledo Mayoral Candidates' Debate Walkout Music - Assuming that these Toledo mayoral candidates qualify for the November ballot, I've suggested walkout music for their public appearances. These lyrics are secondary. I simply like the music. Mike Bell : Bulls on Parade by Rage Against The Machine... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 31, 2015 - #toledo #politics #music #humor

JR: Summer weather to start Sep 2015 - Starting tomorrow, Mon, Aug 31, we'll begin what will be our longest and warmest stretch of weather this season. The meteorological "Fall" season starts Sep 1. It appears that we will have "hot" weather through at least Sun, Sep 5. For the next s... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 30, 2015 - #Toledo #weather

JR: 10-year anniversary of the Aug 28, 2005 Toledo Mayoral Candidates Forum - It's probably rare for something in local politics to be entertaining, but it happened once. 10 years ago today on a warm Sunday afternoon, August 28, 2005, dozens of people attended an informal and interesting 'meet the candidates' forum that was h... more>> 8 min read
- Aug 28, 2015 - #toledo #politics #history

JR: Aug 2015 bird obs - Aug 21 3 AMRO - (1 on our front yard) Aug 22 CAWR sang in our backyard Aug 23 1 AMRO our front yard Aug 24 and aug 25 early morning EAWP sang partial song near woodmont and grantwood. it sang the "pee-eww" part only. Heard BAOR still on fri, aug ... more>>
- Aug 26, 2015 - #bird #home #nature

JR: Carty and Toledo's infrastructure - Aug 2015 - Tweet by the Czarty account, although maybe not by Czarty himself. One of the latest examples of Toledo's deteriorating infrastructure. Toledoan's deserve better Toledo Blade report... more>>
- Aug 26, 2015 - #toledo #media #humor #politics #moronism

JR: Toledo weather wed aug 26 2015 - fzus51 kcle 260742 nshcle nearshore marine forecast national weather service cleveland oh 342 am edt wed aug 26 2015 for waters within five nautical miles of shore on lake erie lez142145-261500- maumee bay to reno beach oh-reno beach to the island... more>> 12 min read
- Aug 26, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: Toledo Weather - Tue, Aug 25, 2015 - TOL: Aug 25, 2015 9:52 am Weather : Overcast Temperature : 59 F Humidity : 75% Wind Speed : W 9 mph Barometer : 29.98 in Dewpoint: 51 F Visibility : 10.00 statute miles Toledo Executive Airport (formerly Metcalf Airport) Aug 25, 2015 9:53 am ... more>> 8 min read
- Aug 25, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: Veery testing - todo (add to couchdb the ability to generate a list of tag names and their counts, if possible. two display options would be nice: by tag name and count. like with Grebe and Junco. need the couchdb equivalent to count(*) and group_by in SQL.) Read... more>> 7 min read
- Aug 25, 2015

JR: Forward email from gmail - Open the Gmail account that you want to forward from. At the top right, click the gear Settings. Select Settings. Select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. Click Add a forwarding address in the Forwa... more>>
- Aug 25, 2015 - #email #howto

JR: Skeleton files required to start a nodejs client app - that accesses one of my APIs. top-level directory ------------------- js/ modules/ node_modules/ package.json root/ views/ node_modules/ ------------- the command npm install will read the package.json file, create this directory, and place the d... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 24, 2015

JR: Tt post aug 24 2015 - Why for Carty? One main reason : [Czarty] gave a speech at the Toledo Warehouse District Association on Aug. 18 endorsing merging city and county government, with the argument that the suburban communities should do more to subsidize the cost of ru... more>>
- Aug 24, 2015

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