article archive - 06/2014 - all archives

JR: Tt comment June 30 2014 third - "I really hope the blade others do more research on this. Napoli and Ball need to be grilled a little more on their involvement in getting Collins to push this legislation forward and Collins needs to admit why he brought it forward in the first pla... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 30, 2014

JR: TT comment Jun 30, 2014 - second one - From the June 30, 2014 Blade story Mr. Mazur said the ordinance would put Toledo in line with Ohios other large cities in regulation of mobile food vendors. It's annoying when government and the media play the "Other Cities" card. The Blade writ... more>> 3 min read
- Jun 30, 2014

JR: Email is still popular - At least as of June 2014, especially with newsletters. Email's resurgence probably began when the iPhone came out in 2007. Notifications on smartphones. Staying connected and current. For Blackberry uses 4 to 7 years ago, email prob never diminish... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #email #blog_jr

JR: Media org trying to innovate - Jun 29, 2014- The Guardian - Time Incs M Scott Havens: We want to build the next LinkedIn or Facebook - "Digital chief on rethinking the rules of journalism, shaking off the magazine group tag, and developing innovation" Odd reaction by some but ma... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #media #startup #business #blog_jr

JR: Tt June 30 2014 comment - Did the paper mention the classless, archaic way that Collins has handled this? I heard that at least one of the food truck vendors learned about the new proposed regulations through his customers. The patrons knew before the business owner. If t... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 30, 2014

JR: Toledoans whine about summer weather - (My Jun 29, 2014 comment) Toledo must be ground zero for sissies. It's not hot. Yesterday was great. Today is great with a mostly cloudy sky, breezy wind, and Toledo temps at 2:00 pm ranged from 82 to 84 degrees. Bunch of air-con... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #event #art #weather #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Notes for Sat, Jun 28, 2014 - Enjoying the day even with a power outage. Sunny, comfy morning with temps in upper 60s early. Shopped at The Anderson's between 7:30 - 8:00 am, mainly for Barney stuff but also a couple Trappist beers. Then home for a bit. I was at Black Kite c... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #todo #blog_jr #food #gardening

JR: Control mildew on plant leaves - 1 tablespoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap 1 gallon of water mix and shake well. fill spray bottle. spray leaves early in the morning or late in the evening. #home - #garden - #flower - #howto - #blog_jr
- Sep 02, 2014

JR: Gardening tip for tomato leaf blight - Tomato plant leaves may turn yellow, starting at the bottom of the plant and moving upward. 1.) Sprinkle Epsom salts on the dirt around the tomato plants. 2.) Remove as many yellow leaves as possible. Spray Mixture: 1 tablespoon baking sod... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #home #garden #howto #blog_jr

JR: Feeding pepper plants - A little gardening advice from my Dad. water and FEED regularly "feeding" could be Miracle Gro or some other fertilizer placed on top of the soil or mixed with water and sprayed on the plants. when plant sets blossoms, spray new blossoms with a... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #home #garden #howto #blog_jr

JR: Let's not have fun in downtown Toledo - Apparently, one side consists of: Food truck vendors Downtown Toledo Improvement District Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce Former Mayor Mike Bell And apparently, the other side consists of: ICE Foccacias Mud Hens Current Mayor Mike Collins Cr... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 27, 2014 - #toledo #business #politics #moronism

JR: Toledo Politics and Food Trucks in Downtown - quote=179005 According to the wording, the new rules only apply to downtown. Excerpts from the proposed ordinance. - pdf file ORD. ____-14 Enacting a new Toledo Municipal Code Chapter 746, Mobile Food Vendors- Downtown. Summary and Background... more>> 5 min read
- Jun 27, 2014 - #toledo #food

JR: Toledo can screw up lunch with politics - My Jun 27, 2014 comment to this thread: I wonder if Toledo, Ohio is the only city that can make eating lunch downtown politically complex. Excerpts from a Jun 27, 2014 Ottawa Tavern Facebook post The mantra of all entrepreneurs must be "Com... more>> 16 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #food #business #politics #moronism #blog_jr

JR: Design well by knowing people - I understand that some people are too brilliant to be in our company. They operate on a higher level, and they get impatient with people who cannot intellectually keep up. But intelligent geeks should try not to be big a-holes when interacting with ... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #design #blog_jr

JR: Toledo, Ohio the Venice of the Midwest - First, the snark, since this is the Internet: Blade - Fight against blight needs fresh ideas - "City's abandonment, ugliness must be reversed" Fresh idea: Toledo should transition toward being the Venice of the Midwest. Douglas Rd near Laskey o... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 25, 2014 - #toledo #weather #blog_jr

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