article archive - 07/2014 - all archives

JR: Toledo Weather - Wed, Jul 16, 2014 - Jul 16, 2014 12:52 pm Weather : Overcast Temperature : 64 F Humidity : 58% Wind Speed : NW 9 mph - Gust 17 mph Barometer : 29.99 in Dewpoint: 49 F Visibility : 10.00 statute miles Toledo 7-day forecast Last Update: Jul 16, 2014 9:26 am Thi... more>> 17 min read
- Jul 16, 2014 - #toledo #weather

JR: Jul 16-17, 2014 links - iphone apps to try Github commits future of news business overcast review Vox - Hamas and Israel info Programming-related: -- ... more>>
- Jul 18, 2014

JR: This is a test: with the colon punct in the title - as of july 16, 2014, no longer enforcing namespace feature, since this installation of Junco is used by only one person #junco - #testing
- Jul 16, 2014

JR: TT admin microblog posts - I don't think that I migrated these few dozen microblog posts from the my admin account to JotHut, so I'll just copy the text from the pages and paste it here. admin: very heavy rain falling now at 12:43 a.m. now a deluge. wow. - J... more>> 9 min read
- Jul 16, 2014 - #storm #weather

JR: Small cottage design - I would prefer that it rest on land though. #home - #design
- Jul 16, 2014

JR: Garden tip for carrots and celery - From the Shared Legacy Farms Facebook page: Take the tops off your carrots when you get home, or they will get "floppy" as the greens suck the moisture out. We like to put them in water to keep them crisp like celery. #home - #garden - #food - ... more>>
- Jul 16, 2014 - #home #garden #food #howto

JR: Grub, beer, and fall-like weather at Mutz on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 - DD and I arrived at The Oliver House around 7:40 pm. We dined at Mutz and sat outside in the small, shared courtyard area surrounded by a four-story brick building on all sides. Irregular-shaped courtyard. Tight, cozy area. Nice. We sat next to a wi... more>> 3 min read
- May 19, 2016 - #toledo #food #beer #restaurant #weather #blog_jr

JR: Creating and curating local news - New startup idea. Another story about new ways of creating and sharing local news and information. Excerpts from the lengthy and interesting story. The 46-year-old New York native is planning to spend somewhere in the mid six figures in the nex... more>> 3 min read
- Jul 15, 2014 - #media #local #startup #advertising #business #blog_jr

JR: Clymene Moth - During the weekend of Jul 11-13, 2014, I visited family in eastern Ohio. While walking my dog at the park on Jul 13, I flushed this boldly-patterned, daytime-flying moth. #nature - #moth - #blog_jr
- Jul 15, 2014

JR: Hyperlocal Journalism or Local Blogging Networks - Jul 15, 2014 - NY Times - Blog Sites Unite: Brooklyn, Weve Got You Covered Excerpts from this interesting story about blogging being used as hyperlocal journalism. What makes their approach different, they say, has to do with providing service j... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 23, 2014 - #local #blogging #media #blog_jr

JR: Email login activation link for signing into a sight - Not just for activating an account. Sign-in is the part of the site of the site no one cares about. Its not a feature; its a necessary evil. So the question is how do we make that as painless as possible, says Blaine Cook, formerly of Twitter and... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 15, 2014 - #email #password #security

JR: Recode - {{feed= desc}}
- Aug 07, 2015

JR: Toledo SoundTrek 2014 Music Event - From an email: Saturday, July 19, 2014 - 7pm-12am SoundTrek features more than 35 bands and performers representing a wide variety of Toledo's local music scene - from rock, pop, and hip-hop to jazz, blues, RB, bluegrass, Latin, and more! - at 10 ... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 15, 2014 - #toledo #music #event

JR: Toledo weather - jul 12, 2014 - Jul 12, 2014 3:52 pm Weather : Fair Temperature : 85 F Humidity : 53% Wind Speed : SSW 9 mph Barometer : 30.05 in Dewpoint: 66 F Visibility : 10.00 statute miles Heat Index : 87 F External Link : 3-day history link fxus61 kcle 121938 afdc... more>> 7 min read
- Jul 12, 2014 - #Toledo #weather

JR: NW Ohio Blues, Rhythm & Jazz Festival Jul 12, 2014 - NW Ohio Blues, Rhythm Jazz Festival Saturday, July 12, 2014 Promenade Park, Downtown Toledo Doors open at 3:30pm Rain or Shine 10:00 pm Blues Legend MEL WAITERS 8:30 pm Contemporary Jazz Keyboardist LAO TIZER featuring KAREN BRIGGS JEFF KOLLMA... more>>
- Jul 11, 2014 - #music #toledo #event

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