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JR: Countdown timer javascript code - countdown timer javascript code script type = "text/javascript" /*author Philip M. 2010*/ var timeInSecs; var ticker; function startTimer(secs){ timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1; ticker = setInterval("tick()",1000); // every second } function ti... more>>
- Mar 01, 2016

JR: Tt comment on mar 1, 2016 - I also spent a fair amount of time at Frankie's and The Main Event back in the 1990s. A friend of mine shared this image recently on Facebook. Apparently, it's a band schedule for The Asylum from 1996. My friend's punk band The Stain was listed on t... more>>
- Mar 01, 2016 - #toledo #music #history

JR: Newspapers are executing a war on the web - my notes/thoughts from this stream ... ... have been copied here: "Forget Spotlight: There's a war against journalism" - - #media #moronism #humor #entertainment - a lot of whining from a media person about the entertainer Trump. it's not politi... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 01, 2016 - #media #moronism #humor #entertainment #speed #design #web

JR: Facebook's Instant Articles do not help the Open Web - (Nor the #Indieweb which is the term that I prefer.) I enjoy reading Dave Winer's blog posts that are related to blogging and other technologies. I don't have to agree with him all the time. Two recent DW posts: How Instant Articles helps the ope... more>> 5 min read
- Feb 29, 2016 - #Indieweb #socialmedia #mobile #app #blog_jr

JR: Tt comment feb 27 2016 - Past Toledo Talk threads: April 2013 - Toledo Ranked 7th Fattest City in America Consider it evolution. A little natural insulation helps Toledoans survive the winter, which ends about July. In April and May and sometimes in early June, we occasi... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 27, 2016

JR: Twitter's Complexity - Twitter's Missing Manual - ( related HN thread It takes thousands of words to explain how to use a service that permits only 140 characters. This is a space that is ripe for disruption. Someone or something could create a much simpler "disc... more>> 4 min read
- Feb 27, 2016 - #socialmedia #forums #design #humor #moronism #blog_jr

JR: Tt comment fri, feb 26, 2016 - "Maybe JR could stretch the rules a little and call this "political"." No. I think that some of this area's quirkiness should remain visible. From that broken making a predator website, I learned about this nugget from the Toledo City Paper's 'Bes... more>>
- Feb 26, 2016

JR: Down arrow ascii code - down arrow ascii code bootstrap downfacing caret .caret { display: inline-block; width: 0; height: 0; margin-left: 2px; vertical-align: middle; border-top: 4px solid #000000; border-right: 4px solid transparent; ... more>>
- Feb 25, 2016

JR: Tt comment feb 25 2016 - "How many wrongs make a right anyway?" It seems that as long as the popcorn holds out, then no limit exists on the wrongs. "Could someone TL;DR this for me?" I'll refer you to a November 2015 post from yet another ephemeral website about the topic... more>>
- Feb 25, 2016

JR: Tornado Warning Sampson County, NC - Issued: 5:04 PM EST Feb. 24, 2016 National Weather Service The National Weather Service in Raleigh has issued a Tornado Warning for... southeastern Hoke County in central North Carolina... Cumberland County in central North Carolina... e... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 24, 2016

JR: Book Reading - 2016 - Trying to read at least a couple books a month, instead of reading only web pages. January Nothing February Charlie Brewer on Slider Fishing - revisited an old favorite #book - #reading
- Feb 22, 2016

JR: Possible tt comment feb 22 2016 - Thanks, JustaSooner. The potential strength and uncertainty of this storm for the Toledo area is a reason to me that it seemed amateurish for Wichman to make such authoritative on Sunday afternoon and evening, approx 72 hours ahead of the
- Feb 22, 2016

JR: Tt post sun feb 21 2016 - Sunday afternoon, Feb 21, 2016 tweet by Ryan Wichman: Can't stand these websites and fake forecasters who exploit people. All they do is post big snow totals/tornado threats to scare people. That's funny coming from someone in TV media who are t... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 21, 2016 - #tv #media #moronism #weather #toledo

JR: Tt post feb 18 2016 - "Why vote someone that stupid back to the board? Oh wait, Hickey told you it was a good idea." Canales was also officially endorsed last year by the Lucas County Democrat party. If she doesn't live in the Washington Local school district, then may... more>> 1 min read
- Feb 18, 2016

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