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JR: Tt post mar 9, 2017 - "... elections will continue in this country, and would ask that the henny penny contingent remember that the pendulum will swing hard left next time ..." W. Bush winning in 2000 inspired the left-wing Netroots movement that saw state level victorie... more>>
- Mar 09, 2017 - #politics

JR: Feb 23, 2017 comment that i did not post to tt - i decided not to jump into the fray with this comment in the following thread. I don't have a problem with Steel remaining on city council. The voters can decide whether he should continue as a councilman. Steel is an at-large councilman. 201... more>> 3 min read
- Feb 23, 2017 - #toledo #politics

JR: Tt post nov 16, 2016 - Blade : A three-year contract signed in 2015 with Toledo Firefighters Local 92 increased the departments minimum manning requirement from 103 to 107. It will go up to 110 on Jan. 1, 2017, further increasing the citys costs. Why would the city ... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 16, 2016 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: Tt post nov 10, 2016 b - #politics "Has he tweeted at the people rioting in the street who don't realize elections happen every four years ..." The midterms are under two years away. All of the House and 1/3 of the Senate are in the election for 2018. In 2006, the democra... more>> 5 min read
- Nov 10, 2016 - #politics

JR: Tt post nov 10, 2016 - Nov 10, 2016 - Toledo Blade - Hicks-Hudson promises balanced 17 budget plan - "Mayor declines to share details" The mayor said the city would use the upcoming results of an outcome-based budgeting, which is supposed to determine the costs for each... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 10, 2016 - #toledo #politics

JR: Links nov 9 2016 - #politics #technology #programming #aws
- Nov 09, 2016

JR: TheIntercept links - Oct 22, 2016 - going back several days. catching up. more>>
- Oct 23, 2016 - #politics #moronism

JR: Tt post oct 20, 2016 - Oct 20, 2016 - Toledo Blade - Toledo has no funds for sidewalk repairs At this time, it is anticipated that the 2017 CIP plan will not include funding for a sidewalk replacement program, according to a letter sent to councilmen. Funding for a sid... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 20, 2016 - #toledo #politics #moronism

JR: Tt post oct 13, 2016 - What did Bell, Collins, and Hicks-Hudson do over the past five years to ensure Toledo would no longer need this temporary tax? What did any of the mayoral and city council regimes over the past 20 years do to end the need for this tax? Nothing, o... more>> 5 min read
- Oct 13, 2016 - #ccc #toledo #politics

JR: Tt post oct 7 2016 - #toledo #politics "I'm so done with politics I could puke." Most people figured that out many years ago. Better things to do with one's time. That's why turnout for local elections is stunningly low. 2017 is a normal Toledo election year for the... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 07, 2016 - #toledo #politics

JR: More toledo mayor election voter turnout numbers - In Toledo's 2005 mayoral elections, 42,000 people voted in the primary and 79,000 voted in the general election, out of 190,000 registered voters, for a turnout of 41.5 percent. If voters follow the same pattern this year, then the 37,363 people who... more>>
- Oct 07, 2016 - #toledo #politics

JR: Trust in Media - Sep 2016 - The 2016 data is skewed and skewered by this year's presidential election pro wrestling-like circus. "Gallup poll: trust in mass media falls to 32%, eight points lower than in 2015, with only 14% of Republicans trusting it; overall level is lowest s... more>>
- Sep 15, 2016 - #media #politics

JR: Tt post aug 17, 2016 - As mentioned above: [PH2] said the law could create entrepreneurial opportunities for people to become inspectors. A local official will probably claim that Toledo could become the Silicon Valley or the Saudi Arabia of lead inspectors. Also fro... more>>
- Aug 17, 2016 - #quote #toledo #politics #moronism #humor #health

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