Search Results For “Tag:programming” - # - rss

JR: Blogosphere v2.0? - "Blogosphere", that's a rarely used word from the past, as in 10 to 15 years ago. Dave Winer's Jan 26, 2016 blog post titled Booting up a fresh blogosphere My recent piece, Anywhere But Medium, has gotten a fair amount of play. The Indieweb gro... more>> 5 min read
- Jan 26, 2016 - #blogging #programming #design #writing

JR: Algorithms and Data Structures - #programming
- Oct 13, 2015

JR: Links about Cross-origin resource sharing - CORS - Curl Testing # curl -I -X GET a href= HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted Server: nginx/1.1.19 Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 23:00:54 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=ISO-8859... more>>
- Sep 15, 2015 - #nginx #programming #web #security

JR: Programming with Erlang - #Erlang #programming #framework
- Aug 09, 2015

JR: Veery Blog App - April 2015 - June To-Dos For the Perl API and client code bases. within API code, write to caching server. modify how title is processed and change both client and API code. add rss shortform (first X-number of chars for intro text) done longform (entire post)... more>> 10 min read
- Aug 03, 2015 - #veery #go #nodejs #perl #couchdb #programming #blogging

JR: Old Computer Programmers - That's probably anyone over the age of 35. The better post and corresponding discussion, since it focuses more on computer programmers who are still hacking at the age of 50-plus. https://news.yco... more>>
- May 06, 2015 - #programming #jobs #ageism

JR: Using technology in government to help people - #programming #technology #activism
- Mar 24, 2015

JR: Perl and Curl - - LWP-type interface around the Curl lib #perl #curl #programming #testing
- Mar 23, 2015

JR: Will Twitter eliminate its 140-character post limit? - March 2015 Dave Winer has wanted to Twitter to remove the 140-character barrier for a long while now. I can't recall anyone else expressing this sentiment for so long. I simply have not noticed a lot of outrage about the 140-char limit over the past... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 16, 2015 - #programming #web #javascript #moronism #rss #indieweb #blogging

JR: Web-based publishing platforms that I've created - (unnamed code base) - version 1 - Jan 2003 to Aug 2007 Basic message board that listed posts by the order the posts were created, youngest to oldest, like a blog. Copied looked and features from Parula - more>> 2 min read
- Mar 03, 2015 - #web #programming #blogging #api #forums

JR: Scaup web publishing app update as of Feb 21, 2015 - Minimal web publishing tool. Formatting can be created by using markup syntax from Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Textile, and HTML. Tech used: Ubuntu Nginx FastCGI Perl HTML::Template CouchDB Memcached Feb 25, 2015 update working on the API code ... more>>
- Mar 02, 2015 - #scaup #blogging #couchdb #perl #programming

JR: Perl CGI processing application json data - via a POST or PUT request from a client. the server or receiving side would do as listed in this link: From CGI, If POSTed data is not of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, then the POSTed data will not be proces... more>>
- Feb 25, 2015 - #programming #perl

JR: Perl Timer Code - 3 different ways: #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use Time::HiRes; use Time::HiRes qw( time ); my $start_time = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]; my $start = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); my $start_a = time(); print hey\n; my $diff = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($s... more>>
- Feb 11, 2015 - #programming #perl

JR: Perl code to create random string of characters - mixed-case, alphanumeric, 8 chars long #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; my @chars = (A..Z, a..z, 0 .. 9); my $string; $string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..8; print $string . \n; #perl #programming
- Feb 09, 2015

JR: Using Perl and Erlang - This is true, but it's a point worth making every so often too. I created a system with Erlang and Perl that punched well above its weight (in terms of resources allocated to it) because I was able to cl... more>>
- Jan 19, 2015 - #programming #perl #erlang

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