article archive - 05/2015 - all archives

JR: Mid to late May 2015 bug - May 23, 2015 I first noticed this bug about a week ago. I don't know how long it has been around. It's quite numerous today, flying about. I've been bitten a few times. I thought that the bug was associated with either our blooming spiraea bushes o... more>>
- May 23, 2015 - #nature #home #insect

JR: Designer News links May 23, 2015 - https://news.layervault... more>>
- May 23, 2015 - #toread #readlater

JR: Nesting Bluebird Info - #nature - #bird - #home Wren Guard - apply after first egg has been laid. - made from cardboard. - three sided. - extends outward 3 to 3.5 inches from the nest box. - extends down to the bottom edge of the hole. Change Nest - 6 to 7 days after youn... more>> 1 min read
- May 22, 2015 - #nature #bird #home

JR: Toledo Weather Thu, May 21, 2015 - TOL: May 21, 2015 7:52 am Weather : Overcast Temperature : 48 F Humidity : 83% Wind Speed : Calm Barometer : 30.04 in Dewpoint: 43 F Visibility : 9.00 statute miles (formerly Metcalf Airport) May 21, 2015 7:53 am Weather : Overcast Temperature : 50... more>> 8 min read
- May 21, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: The Wire - The Wire - Funny Moments The Wire - Omar testifies against Bird The Wire - The Ruthless Chris Partlow The Wire Brother Mouzone shoots Cheese #tv - #video
- Dec 24, 2015

JR: Links to read - May 20, 2015 - more>>
- May 20, 2015

JR: Toledo Weather Wed, May 20, 2015 - TOL: May 20, 2015 4:52 am Weather : Fair Temperature : 38 F Humidity : 76% Wind Speed : N 7 mph Barometer : 30.17 in Dewpoint: 31 F Visibility : 10.00 statute miles Wind Chill : 33 F (formerly Metcalf Airport) May 20, 2015 4:53 am Weather : Fair Te... more>> 8 min read
- May 20, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: Bottling beer - sanitizing bottles - On bottling day, I fill my kitchen sink with a hot oxyclean solution and attach a bottle washer to my kitchen tap. I fill 12 bottles with oxy clean, shake them up, pour them out, and rinse them with the bottle washer. Then I submerge them in my 5... more>>
- May 19, 2015 - #home #beer #howto

JR: Automattic buys WooThemes - May 2015 - #wordpress - #blogging - #cms - #business - #design - #theme
- May 19, 2015

JR: Toledo Weather - May 19, 2015 - Around 80 degrees yesterday. TOL: May 19, 2015 9:52 am Weather : Overcast Temperature : 51 F Humidity : 64% Wind Speed : WNW 14 mph Barometer : 30.11 in Dewpoint: 39 F Visibility : 10.00 statute miles (formerly Metcalf Airport) May 19, 2015 9:53 a... more>> 8 min read
- May 19, 2015 - #toledo #weather

JR: Carty may run for mayor again in 2015 - my may 19, 2015 tt comments "give me specific examples" You can spend hours looking through the archives at Toledo Talk. The man is classless. He mistreats people, both staff and private citizens. But his rampages are hilarious. He provides gre... more>> 9 min read
- May 20, 2015 - #toledo #politics #humor #moronism #history

JR: May 18, 2015 - more>>
- May 18, 2015

JR: Wheat beer recipe - May 18, 2015 - found in my Field Notes notebook. Unsure where or why I recorded this. Wheat Beer 5 lbs 2-row 5 lbs wheat .5 lb crystal 20 .5 lb rice hulls I think that I recorded this at the home brew beer day that was held at Titgemier's in ear... more>>
- May 18, 2015 - #beer #home #recipe

JR: Around home nature notes for May 18, 2015 - In the oak trees around our home, the oak tree flower began falling on approx Fri, May 15, 2015. The spirea bushes were at full bloom on Sun morning, May 17. The Lilies of the Valley began blooming early last week, around May 11. The small white... more>> 1 min read
- May 18, 2015 - #home #flower #tree #garden

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