Search Results For “Tag:todo” - # - rss

JR: Notes - Jun 12-15, 2014 - Thu, Jun 12 - Glass City Mashers meeting at The Attic DD and I attended our first Glass City Mashers meeting last night, Jun 12, 2014 at the Attic, located above Mano's along Adams Street. The discussion focused on "bitters," which are English a... more>> 2 min read
- Nov 11, 2014 - #event #todo #toledo #food #beer #family #garden #blog_jr

JR: Kinglet Distributed Feature - October 2014 - Update Oct 17, 2014: I decided to back out these changes and not attempt to implement a distributed system right now. I'll save the modules below in a separate directory for future reference. Sending a request to be added to a user account that's loc... more>>
- Oct 17, 2014 - #todo #kinglet

JR: Berkeley DB - is a software library that provides a high-performance embedded database for key/value data. Berkeley DB is written in C with API bindings for C++, C#, PHP, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, Smalltalk, and many other programming languages. BDB stores ar... more>>
- Oct 10, 2014 - #todo #database

JR: Roofers - ~ [x] [x] [x] Holt Roofing Sep 24 update: Est scheduled for Wed, Oct 1 between Noon and 1:00 p.m. with Zack J ~ [x] [x] [x] - talk to Jim S. Sep 24 update: completed the web form for an estimate and awaiting a call back (419) 242-5568 Sep 29 up... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 30, 2014 - #todo #home

JR: No-follow links - I strongly suggest you guys mark your post links nofollow as soon as possible. Once spammers find out they can post followed anchor text links here, you guys are in trouble #todo
- Sep 28, 2014

JR: Our 2014 Backyard Produce Garden - In early May, I decided to change our garden a bit by switching to a raised-bed, square-foot garden, even though we have little knowledge on the subject. We need to study more about the compatibility of plants, watering, planting times, etc. Based up... more>> 25 min read
- Sep 18, 2014 - #home #garden #food #blog_jr #todo

JR: Notes - Easter Weekend - Apr 18-20, 2014 - #todo finish editing. need to add additional info from my notebook. Fri, Apr 18 Assembled and baked bread for Easter meal on Sun in central OH. DD's parents arrived in the afternoon. We shopped at Levis Commons: Pottsies Fiddlestix and anoth... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 10, 2014 - #todo #bread #shopping #nature #toledo #art #food #blog_jr

JR: Mobile usage for phone, tablet, and phablet - I got my HP tablet in the fall of 2011, and I used it nearly every day since until June 2014 when I finally entered the smartphone era by getting an iPhone 5C (free upgrade with the 32 gig version.) Since upgrading from a flip phone to an iPhone, I h... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 09, 2014 - #todo #mobile #design #tablet #phone #laptop #blog_jr

JR: Static site generators - For blogging or whatever. #todo excerpt comments and list links to projects mentioned in the HN thread - a list of apps that are used to create static sites. It's odd that people, or more specific... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #todo #blogging #cms #readlater #blog_jr

JR: Notes for Sat, Jun 28, 2014 - Enjoying the day even with a power outage. Sunny, comfy morning with temps in upper 60s early. Shopped at The Anderson's between 7:30 - 8:00 am, mainly for Barney stuff but also a couple Trappist beers. Then home for a bit. I was at Black Kite c... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #todo #blog_jr #food #gardening

JR: Grebe Docs - [X] means initial commits were made got GitHub. - introductory text Located in: Grebe / docs [X] - API usage [X] - example JSON returned for the API functions [X] - bullet point list o... more>>
- Aug 19, 2014 - #grebe #todo

JR: Web app info on iPhone - meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" / add the app to the home screen. the above removes the default top and bottom nav bars in the safari browser. this would work for my ToledoWX jQuery mobile web app, since it contains its own b... more>>
- Aug 04, 2014 - #mobile #web #app #design #todo

JR: Circa's mobile app versus the web and RSS - #todo finish editing Jul 23, 2014 - Scripting News - Where's Circa's RSS feed? For more than a year, I've been accessing Circa news stories via their Twitter page at . But since I finally got with the times and acqui... more>> 10 min read
- Jul 23, 2014 - #todo #media #mobile #app #rss #design #blog_jr

JR: Complaining about free web services - #todo Media whiners. They're prob upset that a 10-year-old website, created with php by a teenager in a college dorm room could dominate so much of the digital landscape when newspaper companies that are over 100-years-old failed to adapt to ... more>>
- Jul 11, 2014 - #todo

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