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JR: Journalism's new code of ethics in September 2014 - Sep 18, 2014 story. "Remember, journos, if your mother tweets she loves you, check it out." Excerpts: The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) adopted a new code of ethics this month and the main difference between the revamped... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 18, 2014 - #media #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Cheese Sandwiches - Excerpts from the story : The new lunchbox system was set up to enable students to purchase meals on a credit account. Parents can place funds on that account -- via If no funds are available, it will allow the food purchase... more>> 2 min read
- Sep 04, 2014 - #food #recipe #bread #education #humor

JR: LCRP Jun 11, 2014 meeting recap - Blade photo. Who is the republican meeting attendee, and who is the security person? The gun is throwing me off. I like the pumpkin name tags. Frigging hilarious. The Lucas County Clown Party should broadcast their meetings over pay-per-view to ra... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: The Stain and Korn shows from 1995. - (my Feb 28, 2006 comment at A good friend of mine played in The Stain, and I attended several of their shows around town back in the mid to late 90s. I ran the video equipment, so plenty of documented evidence exists showing Stainbro... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #politics #music #history #event #humor #blog_jr

JR: Toledoans whine about summer weather - (My Jun 29, 2014 comment) Toledo must be ground zero for sissies. It's not hot. Yesterday was great. Today is great with a mostly cloudy sky, breezy wind, and Toledo temps at 2:00 pm ranged from 82 to 84 degrees. Bunch of air-con... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #event #art #weather #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Looney bin traffic congestion on Toledo area roadways - (My Aug 19, 2014 comment) From my experiences, I-75 south in the morning and in the late afternoon has been okay. I-75 north in the morning has been fine too. But I-75 north in the late afternoon, fuhgeddaboudit. The traffic conges... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 19, 2014 - #humor #auto

JR: 2014 Northwest Ohio Rib-off Concert Crisis - (My Apr 23, 2014 comment at a thread about Ted Nugent performing at the Northwest Ohio Rib-off, scheduled for August 2014.) I did not realize that people were being forced to buy tickets to attend a concert in Maumee, Ohio. I guess i... more>> 6 min read
- Jul 29, 2014 - #music #media #politics #activism #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Anti-blogger - March 2003 - (my Thursday, March 6, 2003 blog post) From - The SJ Merc interview with Marc Andreessen (founder of Netscape) asks if he has a blog. "No," he said. "I have a day job. I don't have the time or ego need." People used to say stuff like t... more>>
- Jul 24, 2014 - #humor #blogging #history #technology

JR: Cell phone noise-oholics - December 2002 - Hah! This observation is from a December 2002 blog post that I made: A person using a cell phone talks louder than anyone else around them and louder than he or she would normally. Is the person on the other end of the line always loading baggage... more>>
- Jul 18, 2014 - #technology #mobile #humor

JR: Larry Sykes and Toledo politics - May 2014 - (My May 2014 comment at Larry Sykes said a couple days ago: "Theres no story." Obviously, that's incorrect, but not for the reason that you think, which is explained further down this comment. First, excepts from the May 23, 2014... more>> 5 min read
- May 29, 2014 - #toledo #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Media blames Facebook for the content that media creates - #todo finish editing and excerpting May 22, 2014 dust-up pitting technologists versus journalists in a broad sense. I'm not implying that all technologists and all journalists think the same way, regarding this issue. But for the opinions that I've ... more>> 3 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #todo #media #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Humorous AP story headline misspelling - (My May 2014 comment at It's an Associated Press story, so I assume the AP created the titles for their feed. At the Blade's homepage, the title was corrected under the "Breaking News" feed, but the story page still contains the ... more>>
- May 27, 2014 - #media #humor #blog_jr

JR: Ohio is fat and oppressed - 2009 - (My post from 2009) Ah, the nifty 'Top-Whatever' press releases. "Unpaid placements masquerading as actual articles." That's how they're described by the book : It's Not News It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 28, 2014 - #media #humor #health #moronism #blog_jr

JR: The rules of government - These apply to all levels of goobermint. First rule: Assume the citizenry are stupid. Second rule: Pass legislation to protect the citizenry from themselves. Third rule: Assume all citizens are criminals. #politics - #moronism - #humor - #blo... more>>
- Nov 20, 2013 - #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: Rescheduling Trick-or-Treat because of the forecast for rain - (My comments that were posted in an Oct 30, 2013 Toledo Talk thread ) From an Oct 30, 2013 Toledo Blade story Some area communities changed the times for trick-or-treating after getting spooked by weather forecasts. Elmore, Port Clinton, Allen To... more>> 8 min read
- Nov 04, 2013 - #weather #humor #event #blog_jr

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