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JR: Tt proposed post jan 9, 2016 - "There is still something to be said for convenience." Convenience, lower cost, options, and lack of commercials are some reasons why we don't have cable. Nothing inconvenient about our setup. When I want over-the-air channels, I press a button. Eve... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 09, 2016 - #media #tv #internet

JR: Tt post jan 8 2016 - "... the obituaries completely disappear at night. Why the gap at night?" I read this thread last night, and I viewed the obits page, and I noticed that the obits are published at another site and not at the Since hos... more>> 1 min read
- Jan 08, 2016 - #web #design #media #toledo

JR: Prediction about comment sections for 2016 - Dec 2015 Its time to stop using the c-word. The comment section has moved in peoples minds from being an empty box on a website into a viper-filled pit of hell. We need to start again. We need to do better. Indeed because your "viper-filled ... more>> 4 min read
- Dec 18, 2015 - #forums #comments #blogging #media #design

JR: Berkeleyside - Hyperlocal news site - Dec 2015 - "The community was reporting on itself, and we were live-blogging. We can be spontaneous and react to a situation." In fact, its what many consumers now expect - news that appears almost instantaneously, as events unfold at home or across the world.... more>> 3 min read
- Dec 18, 2015 - #media #local

JR: Nov 2015 - We're in a golden age of opinion journalism - so says something that's reported in this story. Hard news faces the same kind of extinction as newspapers and magazines, the result of a dramatic death spiral of reporting jobs and ads and the rise of the type of opinion journalism popular two an... more>>
- Nov 11, 2015 - #media

JR: Oct 2015 - tablet vs phone for media - Maybe this is not a truly indicative story about consumer's preference for using a phone over a tablet for reading media content, but it's possible that the inference could be made. Is Flipboard primarily used on tablet or phone? If the latter, then... more>>
- Oct 29, 2015 - #phone #tablet #media #business

JR: Tt post oct 28, 2015 - media - Thanks for the detailed info, foodie88. I'm with you on the number of cluttered, bloated, and wretched media websites that are horrible user experiences. Again, I prefer simply-designed article pages. For a homepage, I prefer single column strea... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 28, 2015 - #media #toledo #design

JR: Tt comment oct 28, 2015 - #media #toledo #design jimavolt : "Without their opinions and occasional news being delivered in printed format, the Blade will become a one-sided Swampbubbles, where loud mouths simply post passages that piss on the thoughts and convictions of othe... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 28, 2015 - #media #toledo #design

JR: My tt comment - oct 27, 2015 - c - It's the Facebookification of our world. I blame the Like button. I'm surprised that so many people are ardent fans of a printed newspaper. A year or two ago, I intentionally tried to read a printed newspaper for the first time in years, and I foun... more>>
- Oct 27, 2015 - #media #toledo

JR: Tragedies, witnesses, social media, and media - The Gawker defenses of the tragedy porn collectors are being passed around widely and I don't really know why more>>
- Oct 02, 2015 - #media #socialmedia #news

JR: Monroe Evening News sold to NYC group - The employee-owned Monroe News has been acquired by New York-based New Media Investment Group, Inc. for $5.2 million, the companies announced today. Monroe News, a 14,000-circulation afternoon daily and 21,000-circulation Sunday newspaper, traces it... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 24, 2015 - #michigan #monroe #media #business #history

JR: Apple iOS 9 - news reader and ad blocker - Positives for the user reading experience. Possibly negatives for publishers if they choose to remain stuck in the past. create crappy, bloated websites, and users revolt. and don't blame innovation that originates at Google, Faceb... more>> 14 min read
- Sep 20, 2015 - #media #design #rss #mobile #advertising

JR: TT post sep 10 2015 - "Not sure who is covering guys who respect ladies. But that would be most of us, so they are going to need a lot of reporters." I'm guessing that the media are not interested in evolved humans. You cannot win awards that way. Apparently, Toledo is ... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 10, 2015 - #media #moronism #toledo

JR: Tt post about article design - mon, sep 8 and tue, sep 9, 2015 - I'd pay nice money for a Blade subscription if the article pages looked something like this: - (blatant copyright violation. will remove later.) ... instead of this: ... and instead of this: I don't need a printed paper version. I don't n... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 09, 2015 - #media #reading #web #design #browser

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