article archive - 08/2013 - all archives

JR: Fix the problem with friendly URL names containing parens - 5Sep2013: changed to todo later, since this is a Textile module change Make them a clickable link in Textile The URL to a link subroutine now works with a URL like this: But it does not work when used with the Textile module. Git(software) Hav... more>>
- Sep 05, 2013 - #junco #todo_later

JR: Web Technology Acronyms and Terms - #todo - organize and add Common Acronyms HTML - HyperText Markup Language CSS - Cascading Style Sheets RSS - Rich Site Summary - sometimes Really Simple Syndication CDN - Change detection and notific... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 12, 2013 - #todo #technology #programming #design

JR: Late summer 2013 bird sightings at Oak Openings Metropark - Thread at the Toledo Naturalist message board about the fall 2013 bird migration in the Oak Openings Region. Interesting sightings of Olive-sided Flycatchers and numerous Red-headed Woodpeckers in the 2010 tornado damaged area behind the lodge at O... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 30, 2013 - #nature #birds #blog_jr

JR: Chimney Swift show - Aug 29, 2013 post at the Toledo Naturalists message board about the evening aerial finale of the Chimney Swifts heading to bed for the night. It's a fascinating site to watch hundreds of swifts dive into a chimney at dusk. ET: At 8:30 this eveni... more>>
- Aug 30, 2013 - #nature #birds #blog_jr

JR: Interesting Common Nighthawk late summer behavior - Aug 29, 2013 post at the Toledo Naturalists message board. I learned something new. Common Nighthawks migrate south through the Toledo area primarily from mid-August to mid-September. When I have attended Saturday night football games at UT in ear... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 30, 2013 - #nature #birds #toledo #blog_jr

JR: Backyard Tall Coreopsis flowers - 2013 - #todo - [add photos and edit text] Peak bloom for our backyard tall coreops is now (Aug 30, 2013). They've been looking great for the past two weeks, and especially over the past seven days. Huge expansion of the tall coreopsis in our backyard this... more>> 4 min read
- Jan 15, 2014 - #todo #home #nature #flowers #yard #blog_jr

JR: GitHub system for writers - People discussing a collaborative, version control system for writing projects and non-programmers. Some fascinating ideas and user experiences exist in these posts. Good ideas. It's an interesting area of software development that includes the Web ... more>> 31 min read
- Oct 27, 2013 - #writing #github #collaboration #blog_jr

JR: Winter Bird Atlas Writing Guidelines - Capitalize the English (common) names of birds, other animals, and plants when they refer to a particular species, based on a recognized source. For example, Eastern White Oak tree would be capitalized, but oak tree would not; Red-eyed Vireo would be... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 08, 2013 - #writing #nature #birds #books

JR: My Winter Bird Atlas contributions - Back in 2009, I wrote species accounts for: GCKI - [x] HAWO - [x] WTSP HOLA FOSP - [x] RBNU - [x] x=have copies Book not published yet. Winter Bird Atlas Writing Guidelines #writing - #books - #nature - #birds
- Aug 30, 2013

JR: CSS theme to study - ... more>> 13 min read
- Aug 29, 2013

JR: TT thread about "Fast Food workers demanding $15/hr" - Aug 28, 2013 thread. My only thought: It might be fast, but it ain't food. If the strikes disrupt business, the U.S. obesity rate might slow a little. It's an odd time to strike when everywhere in the U.S. now has local produce in... more>>
- Nov 10, 2017 - #business #food #health #politics

JR: Weather and foliage in southern West Virginia mountain towns - From my Toledo Talk microblog posts in May 2013 (will be imported here, eventually). The first two culled info from the Wikipedia pages. "Beckley Elevation: 2,421 ft. Summers are warm and humid, although significantly cooler than low-elevation plac... more>>
- Oct 09, 2013 - #weather #nature

JR: Aug 26, 2013 - Diffs between TT and SB - Here are thread titles for the 20 most recently active threads on the front page at as of 9:15 p.m. EDT, 26Aug2013. Only two are about local politics. Perfect Season: The Movie (Toledo Football!) Used or low cost/low mileage tires a... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 29, 2013 - #forums #local #toledo

JR: Only 5 days till Clemson's flying trash season begins - It is interesting how it's legal to litter if the litter goes up. But the problem is, that legalized litter eventually falls down. Throw a small piece of plastic out the window of your vehicle with the police ... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 29, 2013 - #moronism #environment #nature #activism #blog_jr

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