article archive - 08/2014 - all archives

JR: My aug 22, 2014 toledo talk comment - "anyone else disturbed by the fact that the city of toledo hired a non toledo PR agency to handle this crisis?" Well, Maumee receives Toledo water. That's disturbing for Maumee. Besides, Maumee is not China, I think. From the Aug 22, 2014 Toledo B... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 22, 2014

JR: Pebble watch development - more>>
- Aug 21, 2014 - #programming #watch #mobile #app #api

JR: One site owner's view on comments - Authored by: Bryan Goldberg. Bryan is an entrepreneur in New York and San Francisco. He is the Founder and CEO of He previously founded Bleacher Report, and currently advises several startups. Major achievements, but it does not mean... more>> 12 min read
- Oct 23, 2014 - #comments #media #moronism

JR: Lake Erie's health with algae - Good, scientific info: Blooms typically start in the Toledo area, where the Maumee River, which is highly enriched by phosphorus and other nutrients applied to farmland, flows into warm and shallow western Lake Eries Maumee Bay. Laura Johnson, Hei... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 21, 2014 - #lakeerie #environment #nature #water

JR: Toledo actions for elevated toxic algae levels - my aug 20, 2014 tt post about the two-day rumor of a drinking water ban: "It's still a rumor, right?" Yes. Check the City of Toledo Facebook page when these rumors pop-up. Aug 19, 2014 City of Toledo Facebo... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 20, 2014 - #water #lakeerie #toledo #politics

JR: Yo-Perl Readme - #yo - #perl - #programming - #api Perl module that provides access to the Yo API. External links: Yo API Example Usage Create object by passing the Yo API token for the account sending the Yo. my $yo = Yo-new("your-yo-api-token"); Optionall... more>>
- Aug 19, 2014 - #yo #perl #programming #api

JR: Grebe Feature List - #grebe - #blogging Grebe is a small blogging tool. Features API-based, using REST and JSON. Multiple user accounts permitted Customizable user profile page Post types: articles, drafts, and notes Markup support: Textile, Markdown, Multimarkdown... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 19, 2014 - #grebe #blogging

JR: My tt comment - Aug 19, 2014 - "So, howzabout a recall? Can we afford three more years of D. Collins?" Can the surrounding communities afford three more years of Collins? Last winter, Collins "helped" the sheriff issue the county-wide Level 3 snow emergencies, which impacted a... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 19, 2014

JR: Toledo's mayor compares city-caused water issue to 9/11 terrorist attack - Aug 19, 2014 - Toledo Blade - Mayor says water crisis is similar to 9/11 Mayor D. Michael Collins said on Monday that the water emergency that crippled Toledos water supply Aug. 2 was like the terrorist attack suffered by the United States on Sept.... more>> 3 min read
- Aug 19, 2014 - #lakeerie #water #toledo #media #politics

JR: Looney bin traffic congestion on Toledo area roadways - (My Aug 19, 2014 comment) From my experiences, I-75 south in the morning and in the late afternoon has been okay. I-75 north in the morning has been fine too. But I-75 north in the late afternoon, fuhgeddaboudit. The traffic conges... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 19, 2014 - #humor #auto

JR: Connecting Windows computers to wireless routers - Routers that use a hidden SSID. This is much easier on an Apple computer, naturally. Windows XP Windows 7 #pc - #moronism - #howto
- Aug 19, 2014

JR: Solar energy is frying birds - The alternative energy sources are quite destructive to flying things. Turbines whacking birds is well-known, but I was unaware of large solar installations frying birds in mid-air. Some of the 300,000 computer-controlled mirrors, at the Ivanpah ... more>>
- Aug 18, 2014 - #solar #energy #technology #moronism #environment #bird

JR: Grebe Docs - [X] means initial commits were made got GitHub. - introductory text Located in: Grebe / docs [X] - API usage [X] - example JSON returned for the API functions [X] - bullet point list o... more>>
- Aug 19, 2014 - #grebe #todo

JR: GitHub Commits - August 2014 - committed on Aug 18, 2014 ForecastIO-Plus-Yo New as of Aug 11, 2014 [X] Yo-Perl New as of Aug 10, 2014 [X] [X] ToledoWX Aug 4, 2014 [X] tmpl / footer.tmpl - momentum scrolling [X] tmpl... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 19, 2014

JR: La Trappe Dubbel - Trappist Beer - Wikipedia: De Koningshoeven Brewery ... is a Dutch Trappist brewery founded in 1884 within the walls of the abbey Onze Lieve Vrouw van Koningshoeven in Berkel-Enschot (near Tilburg). As of August 2014, this is probably one of my favorite beers. ... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 17, 2014 - #beer

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