Old Lucas County registered sex offenders maps mashup info

My July 2013 comment at ToledoTalk.com

"It's just data and I want more of it."

Same here. Most people will ignore the data just like the registered sex offender data, but some people may want to process the data in a different way.

Back in 2005, the Lucas County Sheriff provided county registered sex offender data in a PDF file, which was tough to use for anything else. An XML file would have been better.

more>> 3 min read
JR - Oct 29, 2013
#media #maps #mashups #programming #database #blog_jr

One-man play about Aldo Leopold

From the July 2013 Aldo Leopold Foundation newsletter:

more>> 1 min read
JR - Mar 03, 2014
#art #theatre #nature #blog_jr

JotHut uses

A place to store and retrieve information.

JR - Nov 12, 2014
#wiki #blogging #cms #notes #blog_jr

History of Hypertext

On July 2, 2013, I began reading a used book that I bought five to eight years ago. The book is titled "HyperText and HyperMedia" by Jakob Nielsen of useit.com fame. The book, however, was published in 1990. The book discusses hypertext history and applications up to 1990 with some future predictions or wishes. Pre-Web.


Memory Extender








HCIL Demo - HyperTIES Authoring

HCIL Demo - HyperTIES Browsing


Designing to Facilitate Browsing: A Look Back at the Hyperties Workstation Browser


HyperTIES Hypermedia Browser and Emacs Authoring Tool for NeWS

AJAX is old NeWS, Laszlo is non-toxic AJAX


NoteCards was a hypertext personal knowledge basesystem developed at Xerox PARC




Nelson founded Project Xanadu in 1960 with the goal of creating a computer network with a simple user interface. The effort is documented in his 1974 book Computer Lib / Dream Machines and the 1981 Literary Machines. Much of his adult life has been devoted to working on Xanadu and advocating it.


http://hyperland.com - Ted Nelson
The needless death of Aaron Swartz in January 2013 has been hard on everyone. I like to remember him at the age or 14, when he wanted a picture of Doug Engelbart and me. We put him in the middle. He was already a full-fledged delegate to whatever the conference was.






[Raskin] was surprised to see articles on hypertext that start out assuming the use of a mouse since his tests during the design of the Canon Cat indicates that keyboard-based interaction is faster. This computer was demoed at the workshop: It is a small system which is mainly intended to perform one task (wordprocessing): It is an "Information Appliance" [the name of Raskin's company].




#web - #history - #technology - #blog_jr

1 min read
JR - Mar 27, 2014

My 2013 predictions for the Lions and Browns

July 2013: I predict the Lions finish 6-10 or 7-9, and the Browns finish 8-8 or 9-7. The Lions will replace their head coach, possibly during the regular season.

Sep 18, 2013: Browns offense performed horribly in first two games. At this rate, 5 wins would be a surprise.

more>> 2 min read
JR - Oct 03, 2013
#sports #football #nfl #lions #browns #blog_jr

Anonymity and online privacy

(my july 2013 comment in toledotalk.com thread )

Visit http://ipaddress.com with your normal Web browser. You should see listed:

  • your IP address
  • your Internet service provider
  • your city
  • your state
  • etc. - basic information

more>> 6 min read
JR - Nov 22, 2013
#tor #privacy #deepweb #blog_jr

Real bread is naturally leavened bread

(My snobby but truthful 2013 comment in a ToledoTalk.com thread.)

"good bread is a real hard thing to find in the Toledo area"

I agree with that statement.

"a few of the artisan options at The Fresh Market. Anderson's has a few worth the trip"

I disagree with that statement. Those options don't qualify as bread in my book.

If you have experience with the many options of Zingerman's bread, then you would realize that "real" bread does not exist in Toledo, or it's extremely hard to find.

more>> 5 min read
JR - Jan 15, 2014
#bread #bakery #food #blog_jr

Advice for TV news reporters on how to sound dramatic and urgent

"This story is rapidly changing."

July 3, 2013 BoingBoing.net post

The biggest leak of all this week: a document from a television news consultancy that lists words and phrases reporters should use to add a sense of (OMG!) urgency to TV news reports.

more>> 1 min read
JR - Jan 15, 2014
#media #moronism #blog_jr

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