Search Results For “Tag:socialmedia” - # - rss

JR: Pondering Dave Winer's early Jan 2016 posts - Jan 5, 2016 - My current bookmarks page of sites that I visit or feeds that I consume includes a link to DW's feed near the top of the list. I access his feed multiple times per day to see what new insights he has posted. I'm mainly interested in his... more>> 13 min read
- Jan 06, 2016 - #indieweb #webmention #socialmedia #technology #moronism #blog_jr

JR: Tragedies, witnesses, social media, and media - The Gawker defenses of the tragedy porn collectors are being passed around widely and I don't really know why more>>
- Oct 02, 2015 - #media #socialmedia #news

JR: This. - One link per day sharing site - 2014 2015 On the website itself, users can do four things, and no more. They can post a link, but just o... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 12, 2015 - #bookmarking #socialmedia #startup

JR: Social Media for Non-profits - #socialmedia - #writing - #activism - #howto
- Aug 11, 2015

JR: Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 - video I doubt Google will be able to create anything to compete with Facebook. Google+ still exists, and it's used a lot, but it's not in the same category as... more>> 21 min read
- May 18, 2015 - #mobile #app #media #socialmedia

JR: Are content silos winning? - Winning at what, exactly? And why do some hardcore geeks worry about whether silos are winning, losing, or whatever? The masses don't care. The masses only want something fun and easy to use. They want to relish in the moment. I'm guessing that mo... more>> 14 min read
- Oct 05, 2014 - #indieweb #socialmedia #socialnetwork #blog_jr

JR: The top features for community sites are users and their content - Whatever they are called ... social media social networks forums / message boards community blogs ... these sites accept user-generated content, and most likely, these sites host discussions on that content. Here's a fine comment in this threa... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 03, 2014 - #socialnetwork #socialmedia #forums #blogging #design #reading #writing #blog_jr

JR: Ello Manifesto - September 2014 - Ello is a new social networking site that launched in July 2014. Your social network is owned by advertisers. Every post you share, every friend you make and every link you follow is tracked, recorded and converted into ... more>>
- Sep 25, 2014 - #startup #socialmedia #forums

JR: Facebook stock hits a personal high - The companys shares hit a record high of $76.74 thats the highest theyve gone since Facebook went public in 2012. By midday, the companys market cap was $194.66 billion, spitting distance of IBMs $197.02 billion. Facebooks user engagement numbers a... more>>
- Jul 24, 2014 - #socialmedia #business

JR: Old twitter news e-mail from February 2008 - looking through e-mail from 2008 in my account. this one is interesting: From: "Biz Stone" Tue, February 26, 2008 9:26 pm. We haven't sent out a monthly email update since November of last year. We're excited ... more>>
- Jun 18, 2014 - #socialmedia #microblogging #history

JR: Google+ as of April 2014 - I occasionally log into my Facebook account, but I don't check Google+ nor Twitter. is enough "social networking" for me. Excerpts from What were hearing from multiple sources is that Google+ will no longer be considered a produc... more>> 3 min read
- May 27, 2014 - #socialnetworking #socialmedia #business #blog_jr

JR: Mark Zuckerberg's and Facebook's views on modern computing - One year ago today, Apr 4, 2013, Facebook announced Home, which was an interesting and attractive redesign of its News Feed that seemed to lose acceptance within the company or among users. But this post is more about Mark Zuckerberg's views on the f... more>> 3 min read
- Apr 04, 2014 - #internet #web #socialmedia #collaboration #mobile #blog_jr

JR: Facebook might experiment with anonymity - Seems like an odd philosophical choice, but as a publicly-traded company, it might be a practical business decision. Randi Zuckerberg said back in July 2011 when she worked at Facebook: "I think anonymity on the Internet has to go away. People b... more>> 3 min read
- Apr 04, 2014 - #socialmedia #business #anonymity #quote #blog_jr

JR: Guidelines to increase productivity by limiting time on the Internet - June 2013 post Why I Dont Check Facebook Till 6PM - Systems over Discipline These are the author's guidelines or efficiency rules to increase productivity. Only check e-mails between 11AM - 12PM, and 3PM - 4PM. My cell phone stays f... more>>
- Mar 03, 2014 - #socialmedia #gtd #blog_jr

JR: 86 percent of Internet users don't create content - June 25, 2013 - Potluck Is A New Link-Sharing Service For The Internets Lurkers Who Dont Tweet Or Blog If, according to the Internets 1 percent rule, only a small minority will activity participate in content creation (as with Branch), then thin... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #socialmedia #blogging #forums #bookmarking #blog_jr

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