article archive - 03/2014 - all archives

JR: FiveThirtyEight - Features {{feed= desc}} Data Lab {{feed= desc}} Not using these, since most are included in the above feeds, I think. Nate's articles { {feed= desc}} Politics { {feed= desc}} Economics { {feed= desc}} Sports { {feed= desc}} Science { {fee... more>>
- Apr 24, 2014 - #politics #sports #weather #data #media

JR: Toledo and WiFi - A blast from the past: 2007 - Toledo Talk - Toledo Wi-Fi Debate - pros and cons Excerpt: Next-gen wireless technology is "right around the corner," which could make WiFi irrelevant. From the July 2007 Toronto Star article referenced in the 2... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 19, 2014 - #technology #toledo #history

JR: Views on Social Network Anonymity - "For me, its nothing more than what you would see etched on a bathroom wall." - Mark Suster, venture capitalist "People use Facebook to say all kinds of terrible things. It really just depends on who is in your network." - Christopher Poole, 4chan f... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 19, 2014 - #socialnetworking #messaging #forums #anonymity #blog_jr

JR: Crochet links -
- Mar 19, 2014

JR: Toledo area shopping - Sat, Mar 15, 2014 - We left home around 9:00 a.m. and returned home around 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Another fine day visiting and shopping at local businesses. Toledo Farmers Market bread coffee beans apples salad greens and maybe one or two other items Black Kite Coffee ... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #toledo #business #birds #yarn #beverage #food #coffee #blog_jr

JR: Free digital access to WaPo for Blade subscribers - Mar 18, 2014 - The Washington Post goes national by offering free digital access to readers of local newspapers The paper said Tuesday it will begin to offer free digital access to its websites and apps to subscribers of a number of... more>>
- Mar 18, 2014 - #media #local #toledo

JR: Computer-related technologies created over the past 40-plus years - Mar 12, 2014 blog post titled Systems Past - the only 8 software innovations we actually use Here's the content for number 7, which laid the foundation for the World Wide Web to be first proposed by TBL in March 1989. 7. Hypermedia # Year: 1968 ... more>> 3 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #hypertext #web

JR: Zuckerberg's views about the Internet and the U.S. government - Excerpts from a Mar 13, 2014 Facebook post, created by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: The internet is our shared space. It helps us connect. It spreads opportunity. It enables us to learn. It gives us a voice. It makes us stronger and safer toge... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #politics #internet

JR: Comparing Toledo's winters 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 - #todo finish editing Two extremes. The mildest and least snowiest versus the coldest and snowiest winters that I've experienced, living in northwest Ohio for 24 years. Blade story Toledo City Council will review today another bill the city h... more>> 2 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #todo #toledo #weather

JR: Fluidity.css - /* FLUIDITY v0.1.0 @mrmrs - a href= MIT */ /* Responsive Utilities */ img, canvas, iframe, video, svg { max-width: 100%; } /* Wrap tab... more>>
- Mar 17, 2014 - #css #responsive #design

JR: Toledo Weather - Mon, Mar 17, 2014 - Patchy snow cover in our West Toledo neighborhood. Officially, the snow dept would probably be zero. flood statement national weather service cleveland oh 737 am edt mon mar 17 2014 ohc095-173-172200- /o.con.kcle.fa.w.0023.000000t0000z-140317t220... more>> 9 min read
- Mar 17, 2014 - #toledo #weather

JR: Drug abuse thoughts - Why have doctors over-prescribed painkillers in the 15 years? If a doctor prescribes painkillers, reject the prescription. We have a friend who has fought an addiction to painkillers and nearly died last year from an overdose. This person has h... more>> 4 min read
- Mar 15, 2014

JR: Clare, Michigan Irish Festival - my TT comment: I don't understand ... 1. "I'm surprised their isnt a movement to observe St. Patty's Day on the second Friday or Saturday of March. There would be far more money to be made and I find it a helluva lot more fun when it falls on a we... more>>
- Mar 14, 2014

JR: Toledo Weather - Thu, Mar 13, 2013 - flood statement national weather service cleveland oh 629 am edt thu mar 13 2014 ...the flood warning continues for the following rivers in ohio... eagle creek at phalanx station ...the flood warning continues for the following rivers in ohio... ... more>> 6 min read
- Mar 13, 2014 - #toledo #weather

JR: This is a line of text that gets automatically made into a title. the text to the first newline is the title. if the text exceeds X-number of characte - rs, then the title is made from a substring. responding to: what if i change my code for blog/article posts where a title only gets created if either the Textile or Markdown/MultiMarkdown heading-one syntax is used? but what about RSS feeds?... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 12, 2014 - #juncotodo #blogging #writing #design

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