article archive - 07/2013 - all archives

JR: Detroit Facts in 2013 - 25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head 1) At this point, the city of Detroit owes money to more than 100,000 creditors. 2) Detroit is facing $20 billion in debt and unfunded liabilities. That breaks down to more... more>> 6 min read
- Nov 10, 2017 - #detroit #politics

JR: Media and Detroit - Detroit maintains 13,000 government workers but has 22,000 government retirees burrowed into the body politic, and their health-care subsidies alone account for nearly $200 million of the citys budget. Pensions alone already account for a quarter of ... more>>
- Oct 08, 2013 - #media #politics #detroit

JR: IndieWebCamp principles for building the indie Web - "You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." - Morpheus, The Matrix Whatever the reason, you're done with share... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 08, 2013 - #microformats #indieweb #programming #opensource #blog_jr

JR: Content creation and distribution sites to read - #rss - #wiki - #blogging - #toread
- Jul 23, 2013

JR: Resolved - Allow markup at the start of the title for a blog post - implemented 23jul2013 For semantic or markup purposes, allow h1. or the pound sign to start the title line for Textile and Markdown posts respectively. The markup syntax will be removed from the title as it's stored in the database. Of course, it r... more>>
- Jul 23, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Resolved - Enforce user name spaces - implemented on 24Jul2013 syntax: zero or more spaces colon punctuation mark title text Example: j.r. : recipes j.r. : bookmarks : favorites what follows after the first colon punctuation mark is irrelevant. only the user can use his or her u... more>>
- Jul 24, 2013 - #junco #resolved

JR: Resolved - Do not do backlinks for private blog posts - completed on 22jul2013 When a private post links to a public post, the public post lists the private post as a backlink. For private posts, do not include backlinks in the backlinks db table. #junco #resolved
- Jul 22, 2013

JR: Resolved - Auto-place cursor on input fields - #resolved #junco completed 22jul2013 - opted for HTML5 attr autofocus Save user from one additional click and movement. Will require a little JavaScript. Ensure that page degrades gracefully if .js is disabled. After clicking on the "login" lin... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 22, 2013 - #resolved #junco

JR: Homemade Neapolitan-style pizza - Neopolitan Pizza This recipe was adapted from information found at This is a basic recipe for making the "Margherita" style pizza. This makes four pizzas that are at least 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Since I use a baking stone instead of a pizza ... more>> 16 min read
- Apr 15, 2014 - #food #pizza #home #recipe #blog_jr - replies: 1

JR: Old Lucas County registered sex offenders maps mashup info - My July 2013 comment at "It's just data and I want more of it." Same here. Most people will ignore the data just like the registered sex offender data, but some people may want to process the data in a different way. Back in 2005... more>> 3 min read
- Oct 29, 2013 - #media #maps #mashups #programming #database #blog_jr

JR: One-man play about Aldo Leopold - From the July 2013 Aldo Leopold Foundation newsletter: Aldo Leopold: A Standard of Change Wednesday, Aug. 7, 6-7 pm, FREE! Come at 5pm for a potluck! Tennessee-based storyteller and writer Jim Pfitzer has created a one-man play to tell the stor... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #art #theatre #nature #blog_jr

JR: Resolved - Test text for the Textile live preview editor - update 21aug2013: have changed to #resolved. This is some test text after reducing the font size from for this pane from 1.2em to 1.1em and reducing the line height from 1.7em to 1.5em. Despite the reductions, the text still displays fine in this w... more>> 2 min read
- Aug 21, 2013 - #resolved #editor #textile #javascript #junco

JR: Programmer Anarchy - Excerpts from the first link: WHAT IS this Programmer Anarchy? For those of you who dont have their ear pinned to the techie ground, Programmer Anarchy is a concept that has been around for about the l... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #programming #gtd #blog_jr

JR: Junco Code - - old style hash version - #juncocode #objectoriented ####### # test perl script #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; $|++; use lib 'Kestrel/lib'; use Kestrel::DisplayPageOOHash; print "hello\n"; my %hash; $hash{function} = "riding the horse"; # DisplayPag... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 30, 2013

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