The Stain and Korn shows from 1995.

(my Feb 28, 2006 comment at

A good friend of mine played in The Stain, and I attended several of their shows around town back in the mid to late 90s. I ran the video equipment, so plenty of documented evidence exists showing Stainbrook's leadership along with a few other unmentionables related to haning out at places like Frankie's.

more>> 3 min read
JR - Sep 02, 2014
#toledo #politics #music #history #event #humor #blog_jr

LCRP Jun 11, 2014 meeting recap

Blade photo. Who is the republican meeting attendee, and who is the security person? The gun is throwing me off. I like the pumpkin name tags.

Frigging hilarious. The Lucas County Clown Party should broadcast their meetings over pay-per-view to raise money.

more>> 3 min read
JR - Sep 02, 2014
#toledo #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

Blade's dumb idea to move Owens CC downtown

(my Jun 10, 2014 comment at

"Get used to this story. I think The Blade will make it into another crusade until the move is made."

Moving Owens CC [Community College] to downtown Toledo is so damn stupid that if the Blade keeps suggesting similar ideas, then it could become the new Carty.

more>> 3 min read
JR - Sep 02, 2014
#toledo #business #education #politics #media #moronism #blog_jr

Swan Creek Cleanup and Boat Ride Info

(my tt comment - jun 5, 2014)

Last September, a friend and I cleaned up a small portion of the bank along Swan Creek by the farmers market because it was littered with trash, and invasive plants crowded the native flowers. We conducted our little operation very early on a Sunday morning, so that nobody would see us. We didn't have permission to do a river bank cleanup.

more>> 1 min read
JR - Sep 02, 2014
#toledo #nature #environment #blog_jr

Highlights from the 2014 Mary Meeker Internet Trends Report

"Mobile advertising is still underperforming vs. time spent on mobile devices, whereas print is still significantly overperforming."

May 28, 2014:

more>> 1 min read
JR - Jun 01, 2014
#internet #technology #media #sports #mobile #advertising #blog_jr

Our 2014 Backyard Produce Garden

In early May, I decided to change our garden a bit by switching to a raised-bed, square-foot garden, even though we have little knowledge on the subject. We need to study more about the compatibility of plants, watering, planting times, etc. Based upon what grows this season, we'll make better plans and learn more during the winter.

more>> 25 min read
JR - Sep 18, 2014
#home #garden #food #blog_jr #todo

Do nurseries sell plants that are poisonous to honeybees?

I realize that the honeybee is a non-native insect to North America, but if this info is true, and if the situation negatively impacts honeybees, will it also hurt our native bee population?

JR - Jun 25, 2014
#todo #nature #environment #business #flower #insect #food #blog_jr

Larry Sykes and Toledo politics - May 2014

(My May 2014 comment at

Larry Sykes said a couple days ago: "There’s no story."

Obviously, that's incorrect, but not for the reason that you think, which is explained further down this comment.

more>> 5 min read
JR - May 29, 2014
#toledo #politics #moronism #humor #blog_jr

Media blames Facebook for the content that media creates

#todo finish editing and excerpting

May 22, 2014 dust-up pitting technologists versus journalists in a broad sense. I'm not implying that all technologists and all journalists think the same way, regarding this issue. But for the opinions that I've read thus far, the technologists are correct and smarter.

Incredibly, some media people blame Facebook for the types of stories that the media publishes, and these media people want Facebook to resolve their publishing problems.

Facebook has existed for 10 years while some newspapers have existed for more than 100 years.

more>> 3 min read
JR - May 27, 2014
#todo #media #moronism #humor #blog_jr

Apparently, the journalism industry cannot multitask

May 21, 2014 - - For the Times’ innovation report to stick, its journalists need to be on board

Doing journalism and keeping up with what is happening within journalism and the wider digital ecosystem at the same time is impossible

?????? What ??????

Since when is this unique only to journalism? Many industries require or encourage employees to study new trends and technologies to stay relevant while, obviously, performing their current job duties.

more>> 4 min read
JR - May 22, 2014
#media #moronism #blog_jr

Notes - May 16-18, 2014

It was a weekend celebration of birds and beer with fine weather and good people.

more>> 3 min read
JR - May 27, 2014
#todo #bird #beer #blog_jr

Thoughts about web trolls - Spring 2013

(I made this post at in March 2013, and it appears that I my writing contained some old-fashioned spunkiness.)

Another user wrote:

"At least a “troll” will usually state their true feelings and not give you some text book politically correct vanilla answer ..."

Wrong. That's not the definition of a troll. That's the definition of anonymity or using pseudonyms on the Internet. A big difference exists. Equating a troll with someone using a pseudonym is ignorant.

more>> 3 min read
JR - May 27, 2014
#comments #forums #blogging #web #blog_jr

Humorous AP story headline misspelling

(My May 2014 comment at

It's an Associated Press story, so I assume the AP created the titles for their feed.

JR - May 27, 2014
#media #humor #blog_jr

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