2014 Northwest Ohio Rib-off Concert Crisis

(My Apr 23, 2014 comment at a ToledoTalk.com thread about Ted Nugent performing at the Northwest Ohio Rib-off, scheduled for August 2014.)

I did not realize that people were being forced to buy tickets to attend a concert in Maumee, Ohio.

I guess it's too much to expect that humans would decide on their own whether to attend an event.

In the future, will entertainers who are scheduled to perform in northwest Ohio need to be vetted by special interest groups?

more>> 6 min read
JR - Jul 29, 2014
#music #media #politics #activism #moronism #humor #blog_jr

More thoughts about Toledo voter turnout and elections - April 2014

(My comment to an April 2014 ToledoTalk.com thread.)

Another user said:

"Give me a national holiday for election day ..."

Does that mean a day off from work? If so, would that be a holiday only on presidential elections or every November general election? If the latter, then the 75 percent of the eligible voting public who does not vote would love the holiday idea.

Is the goal of the election day holiday to make it easier for hard-core voters to vote or to increase voter turnout?

What about other elections that occur in March, May, and September? Are those holidays too?

more>> 6 min read
JR - Apr 16, 2014
#toledo #politics #blog_jr

2013 mayoral election results in Toledo and Perrysburg

(from my ToledoTalk.com post)

Both cities held mayoral elections in November 2013.

Summary: most residents don't give a damn.


more>> 1 min read
JR - Apr 16, 2014
#toledo #perrysburg #politics #history #blog_jr

Using an outliner for a presentation

Excerpts from an Apr 5, 2014 Scripting.com post titled Jay uses Fargo :

JR - Apr 15, 2014
#blogging #outliner #opml #blog_jr

Beers that I like

Jotting down beers that DD and I enjoy trying. This list may give us ideas for future beer brewing projects at home.

more>> 4 min read
JR - Aug 17, 2014
#beverage #beer #blog_jr

Land line phone usage

Apr 14, 2014 - ToledoTalk.com - Do you have a 'home' phone

It seems that most responders do not have a land line phone at home, which is not a surprise.

We still have a land line. It does not make long distant calls. It can receive long distant calls. The land line is our "home" phone number, which we use for some registration or sign-up purposes.

more>> 1 min read
JR - Apr 15, 2014
#home #technology #mobile #blog_jr

Making Pizza

These recipes make the "Margherita" style pizza. Each dough recipe makes four pizzas that are at least 10 to 12 inches in diameter. If using a rectangle baking stone instead of the more square-ish pizza stone, the pizza dough will be stretched into an oval shape.

more>> 11 min read
JR - Apr 25, 2014
#food #pizza #home #recipe #blog_jr

Age problem in technology?

"Yes grandpa, there really is an age problem in tech."

more>> 1 min read
JR - Apr 14, 2014
#ageism #technology #programming #blog_jr

Toledo newspaper history

A few snippets, not an exhaustive story.

more>> 7 min read
JR - Jul 26, 2016
#toledo #media #history #local #blog_jr

Junco Readme.md

Junco is a web-based publishing tool, used to house notes, bookmarks, thoughts, and other writings.

The app can be setup as a community site with social features, such as following users, following tags, and adding replies. Or it can be setup as a personal publishing site.

It's built with basic Perl and MySql

more>> 1 min read
JR - May 19, 2014
#junco #blog_jr

My same old thoughts about newspaper orgs - April 2014

(My Apr 13, 2014 comment to a ToledoTalk.com thread.)

A commenter said:

"One other thing to add is that newspaper space is also a major issue. Example: One column story that is edited down to six inches in order to fit the newspaper ... So, not only do you have to have a great command of the English language, but you also have to write and edit to space - that includes headlines."

It baffles me that print-to-paper is controlling this in 2014. Even today, some old newspaper orgs are too focused on printing, which, in my opinion, hampers their innovation and hastens their demise. Inches of space do not apply to digital publishing, which should be a first, second, and a third priority.

more>> 2 min read
JR - Apr 13, 2014
#media #startup #blog_jr

About Augusta National Masters Gold Tournament Green Jacket

Augusta.com story

  • It's the classic three-button style, single-breasted and center-vented.
  • Made of tropical-weight wool (about 2 1/2 yards per jacket) from Forstmann Co. mill in Dublin, Ga.
  • That brilliant rye green: Pantone 342.
  • Estimated cost to make: $250. (Although no club spokesperson will confirm this publicly.)
  • Made exclusively since 1967 by Hamilton Tailoring Co. of Cincinnati.

more>> 7 min read
JR - Apr 09, 2015
#006B54 #sports #golf #wool #clothing #yarn #blog_jr

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