Northwest Ohio migrating birds in early October

Wed, Oct 5, 2016: I observed Golden-crowned Kinglet and White-throated Sparrow around our home this morning. These short-distant or temperate climate songbirds have started their fall migration through northwest Ohio.

But in early October, we still have some Neotropical migrants passing through, creating the potential for an odd mix of birds that we don't see during the more well-defined and regularly-scheduled spring migration.

more>> 2 min read
JR - Oct 05, 2016
#ohio #bird #nature #blog_jr

Facebook's Instant Articles do not help the Open Web

(Nor the #Indieweb which is the term that I prefer.)

I enjoy reading Dave Winer's blog posts that are related to blogging and other technologies. I don't have to agree with him all the time.

Two recent DW posts:

more>> 5 min read
JR - Feb 29, 2016
#Indieweb #socialmedia #mobile #app #blog_jr

Twitter's Complexity

It takes thousands of words to explain how to use a service that permits only 140 characters.

This is a space that is ripe for disruption. Someone or something could create a much simpler "discussion" engine that would probably gain significant traction.

more>> 4 min read
JR - Feb 27, 2016
#socialmedia #forums #design #humor #moronism #blog_jr

2016 Cleveland Browns move toward Moneyball

Jan 6, 2016 - And I like the idea. It's intriguing. But I might be a bit bias because my degree is in mathematics, and I like using stats to provide context.

Since a lot of Cleveland media and national media are confused and upset about the recent moves by the Browns over the past few days, then it makes me think that the Browns are on the right path, finally. Since when do sports media know anything about the field of statistics and running a team?

more>> 11 min read
JR - Jan 13, 2016
#math #data #sports #football #nfl #browns #business #blog_jr

Pondering Dave Winer's early Jan 2016 posts

Jan 5, 2016 - My current bookmarks page of sites that I visit or feeds that I consume includes a link to DW's feed near the top of the list. I access his feed multiple times per day to see what new insights he has posted. I'm mainly interested in his thoughts and projects regarding web publishing.

I agree and disagree with his tech posts. I don't care about his other topics. I don't access his Facebook or Twitter pages, except in extremely rare occasions. I read the RSS feed from his blog.

more>> 13 min read
JR - Jan 06, 2016
#indieweb #webmention #socialmedia #technology #moronism #blog_jr

Managing Complex Change

Dec 1, 2015 tweet by iA contained this image.

Text version:

JR - Dec 14, 2015
#business #howto #gtd #blog_jr

Our 2015 Backyard Produce Garden

Notes about our backyard gardening.

more>> 14 min read
JR - Nov 19, 2015
#home #garden #blog_jr

Design by Writing

Links to external sources of inspiration, along with a few links to my own thoughts.

more>> 9 min read
JR - Apr 03, 2016
#design #writing #reading #web #blog_jr

Winter Weather Notes - Fri, Feb 13, 2015

This will be a crisp weekend to be outdoors.

A Wind Chill Watch exists that will probably be upgraded to a warning later. But based upon what we've experienced so far this winter, this weekend's weather forecast is not horrible.

A little snow, a little breezy, and some cool temps. It's mid-February in northern Ohio. Winter.

more>> 2 min read
JR - Feb 13, 2015
#toledo #weather #blog_jr

Winter Weather Notes - Thu, Feb 12, 2015

Possibly the coldest stretch of weather this winter will begin today and continue well into next week. It will be windy over the next few days too, producing wind chill temps well below zero.

For Sunday, our high temp is forecast to be around zero. That might be the coldest high temp for this winter.

more>> 2 min read
JR - Feb 12, 2015
#toledo #weather #blog_jr

Happy Birthday to My Sourdough Starter

Today, Fri, Jan 30, 2015, my sourdough bread starter turns five-years-old.

more>> 3 min read
JR - Mar 17, 2015
#food #bread #recipe #blog_jr

Nighttime stroll in the snow

On Thu eve, Jan 8, 2015, my wife and I walked to El Camino Real, located in West Toledo for dinner. It was about a 20-minute stroll each way with my stops to take photos and videos. I love walking at night with the snow falling, combined with the street and house lights. The single-digit temps produced a sparkling snowfall.

more>> 1 min read
JR - May 17, 2016
#toledo #restaurant #home #snow #blog_jr

Jim Lahey No-knead Bread Baking

It has been several months, since I baked with this simple method that produces delicious bread. The no-knead method quickly assembles a bread dough. Very little labor is required. The recipe uses a small amount of dry, instant yeast and a fermentation time of 12 to 18 hours.

I prefer sourdough bread, and my starter turns five-years-old on Jan 30, 2015. But when incorporating some whole grains and/or some stout beer into a no-knead recipe, the overall bread flavor masks any flavor given off by the instant yeast.

more>> 3 min read
JR - May 17, 2016
#bread #home #food #recipe #howto #baking #blog_jr

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